Surrey Countryside Partnerships - Privacy Notice


  • Name of service - Surrey Countryside Partnerships
  • Directorate - Environment, Transport and Infrastructure
  • Date of issue - 16 May 2018
  • Date of current version - 3 June 2021
  • Review date - 3 June 2024


The reasons why we use your personal data

Purpose / function of the service

This data privacy notice applies to the functions of the Surrey Countryside Partnerships that carries out countryside management activities with the help of volunteers and the local community across Surrey and into South London.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the specific teams or services

We collect your personal data for the following:

  • Service delivery
  • Service improvement and planning
  • Statistical analysis and reporting
  • Safeguarding

What information do we collect?

We collect the following categories of personal data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email collected for inclusion on mailing list to receive information and news about the Surrey Countryside Partnerships.
  • Telephone contact details
  • next of kin contact details and optional health information collected for volunteers.

How we are allowed to use your personal data


To process your personal data, we will explain to you what we are asking you to agree to and why. If we have consent to use your personal data, you have the right to remove it at any time. If you want to remove your consent, please contact us at the following email address: and we will deal with your request.

Who we share your personal data with:

We do not share your personal data with any other agency.

Personal data being sent or processed outside of the UK and EU

We do not process any personal data outside of the UK

Retention of data

  • Data for mailing list will be retained for two years.
  • Data for volunteers will be reviewed annually.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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