Surrey Youth Offending Team - Privacy Notice


  • Name of service - Surrey Youth Offending Team
  • Directorate - Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture
  • Date of issue - 31 July 2020
  • Review Date - 31 July 2021


The reasons why we use your personal data

This privacy notice applies to the functions of the Surrey's Youth Offending Team (YOT). The main aim of the YOT is to work with people under the age of 18 who have committed a crime, or are at risk of committing a crime, and their families.

This notice provides privacy information for:

  • People accessing the Youth Offending team
  • Partners working with Surrey County Council Youth Offending Service

It describes how we collect, use and share personal information about you

  • In relation to the Youth Offending team
  • the types of personal information we need to process, including information the law describes as 'special' because of its sensitivity

It is important that you read this notice, together with any other privacy information we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal information about you, so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the specific team(s)/services?

We collect your personal information for the following purpose(s):

The Youth Offending team has a statutory duty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to prevent offending. We work with young people who have committed offences and are subject to either Youth Restorative Intervention, Youth Caution, Youth Conditional Caution, Court Orders, Bail with conditions or subject to Secure Remands.

Additionally, we will work with young people on a voluntary basis and young people suspected of committing sexually harmful behaviour.

As our work is with young people we are also required to safeguard their safety and well-being and this work is subject to the Children Act 1989 and Working Together guidance.

We process and share personal information to enable us to manage, protect and support children and young people subject to either a voluntary offending prevention programme or a statutory order.

We process personal information about:

  • Children and young people we help
  • Parents of children we help
  • Witnesses, victims
  • Offenders and suspected offenders

What Information do we collect?

We process information relating to the above reasons/purposes. This information may include:

  • Personal details
  • Family details
  • Lifestyle and social circumstances
  • Financial details
  • Education and employment details
  • Physical or mental health details
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Religious or other beliefs
  • Criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
  • Information about offences or alleged offences

How we are allowed to use your personal data

Legal obligation or public task under various UK legislation including but not limited to:

  • Local Safeguarding Children & Adults Boards Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/90)
  • The Crime and Disorder Act 1998
  • The Offender Management Act 2007
  • Children Act 1989
  • Working Together guidance

The processing of special category personal data is permitted by Article 9 (g) of the General Data Protection Regulation in that there is a substantial public interest in so doing.

Who we share your personal data with

We sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themselves and also with other organisations.

Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Where necessary or required we share information with:

  • The Youth Justice Board
  • Police forces
  • Local and central government
  • Ombudsmen and regulatory authorities
  • Healthcare providers, social and welfare advisers
  • Voluntary and charitable organisations
  • Family, associates and representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing

Retention of data

Your data will not be kept any longer than necessary. You can check how long the Youth Offending Service will keep each type of data against Surrey County Council Retention Schedules

Other information

Your data will be held on the Youth Offending Service's Case Management System (Career Vision) and/or on the Children's Early Help system (EHM) and will be protected using up-to-date technical and organisational security measures.

If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to perform the service we currently provide to you or we may be prevented from complying with our legal obligations.

Our core data protection obligations and commitments are set out in the council's Children Services Privacy Notice.

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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