- Name of Service - Public Health
- Directorate - Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships
- Date of Issue - 27 January 2025
- Date of current version - 27 January 2025
- Review Date - 27 January 2027
The reasons why we use your personal data
This privacy notice applies to the Integrated Lifestyle Service which is a public health commissioned Service.
What processing of personal data is undertaken by the service?
Your personal data is being collected via Thrive Tribe in relation to the provision of 'Stop Smoking' and 'Adult Weight Loss Management' programmes as part of the One You Surrey Service.
Your personal data is being shared with Surrey County Council at an anonymised level and in accordance with the national reporting obligations to NHS England. The Council will analyse and process the data at an aggregated level to improve outcomes and evaluate Service delivery.
What Information do we collect?
Your name, contact details, NHS number and date of birth will be collected by Thrive Tribe to contact you and deliver your chosen service. In addition, ethnicity and any long-term health conditions will be collected as it is understood that these groups comprise a priority population for addressing health inequalities across Surrey.
How we are allowed to use your personal data
As part of the One You Surrey service your personal information is collected for inclusion on the respective Stop Smoking or Adult Weight Management Programmes. The Council has commissioned the Service via Thrive Tribe to improve your health and wellbeing. Please refer to One You Surrey for further information on how your personal information will be processed within the One You Surrey programme.
If you want to remove your consent/explicit consent as appropriate, please contact One You Surrey at who will deal with your request.
Who we share your personal data with
Anonymised personal data is shared with NHS England.
Some of your personal information may be shared with your chosen service provider once your referral has been confirmed. These include Gloji and MAN v FAT, which are Thrive Tribe owned services and Slimming World. Thrive Tribe will share your anonymised personal data with Surrey County Council to share with NHS England.
Personal data being sent or processed outside of the UK and European Union (EU)
Thrive Tribe via the One You Surrey will be processing personal data within the European Union and outside the UK.
Retention of data
Data will be retained for 24 months after the cessation of the evaluation of the data or of the contract.
Other information
For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.