Alleged public bridleways at Effingham Common Effingham

Description and Grid References

Alleged public bridleways at Effingham Common, Effingham [TQ 103 553]

Reference number and contact details

Tel. 03456 009 009

Date on application

22 January 2020

Applicants name and address

Joy Taylor

Consultations and research stage


Officer recommendation

That a map modification order or orders be made to add to the definitive map and statement the following routes over Effingham Common - Public bridleways 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609 (Effingham), and to upgrade public footpaths 114 and 548 (Effingham) to public bridleway.


On 14 December 2023 the Officer with delegated authority, in conjunction with the Local Member Dennis Booth, agreed with the above recommendations and directed that two orders be made. A copy of the recommendation report, addendum and the decision notice can be obtained on request.

Order making

Two definitive map modification orders were made on 28 March 2024. The Orders are titled:

The Surrey County Council Bridleway 604, (Effingham) and the Upgrade of Part of Footpath 548 (Effingham) to Bridleway Status Definitive Map Modification Order 2024 and

The Surrey County Council Bridleways 605, 606, 607, 608 And 609, (Effingham) and the Upgrade of part of Footpath 114 (Effingham) to Bridleway Status Definitive Map Modification Order 2024.

The Orders were advertised on 3 May 2024.

12 Objections were received to the Orders which will be referred to the Secretary of State for determination.


Application accepted as made on 24 January 2020.

In an appeal dated 23 July 2021 the Secretary of State directed the Council to make a decision on this matter within 20 months.

Files available to download

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