Public Footpath No. 403 (Salfords and Sidlow)


Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Section 14(1)
The Surrey County Council
Public Footpath 403 (Salfords and Sidlow)
Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2025

On 30 January 2025 Surrey County Council made the above-mentioned temporary order, the effect of which is to prohibit all traffic on foot or by any other means from entering or proceeding along that length of Public Footpath 403 (Salfords & Sidlow) which extends for about 215 metres in a north-easterly direction from point A (Grid reference: 528497 146345), located along the footbridge at Salfords Station, to point B (Grid reference: 528672 146418), at its junction with Public Byway Open To All Traffic (BOAT) 401 (Salfords & Sidlow), and which is marked by a solid black line on plan no. 3/1/45a/H21.

The Order is necessary on the grounds of public safety due to a planned railway bridge replacement. The closure will be in operation for a period of 13 weeks, from 03 February 2025 until 05 May 2025 or until completion of the works, if earlier. That period can be extended by the Secretary of State for Transport if required.

The temporary closure will only be in operation when appropriate road traffic signs are displayed on site by the County Council or an authorised person acting on its behalf. Access to properties will not be affected.

Access to platforms 1 and 2 will be maintained from the station main entrance on its western side.

The alternative route for traffic from the western end of the closure will be: from point A, along the footbridge, head west along Public Footpath 403 (Salfords & Sidlow), then turn right into Southern Avenue and continue for about 225 metres in a north-westerly direction, then turn right and follow Honeycrock Lane in a generally easterly direction for about 225 metres, then turn right and follow BOAT 401 (Salfords & Sidlow) in a south-easterly direction for about 180 metres, until you reach point B.

The alternative route for traffic from the eastern end of the closure will be the reverse of the route described above.

"The Surrey County Council Public Footpath 403 (Salfords & Sidlow) Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order 2025" was made by the County Council under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Dated: 06 February 2025

Carolyn McKenzie - Director of Environment

Any enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to:
Countryside Access Team, Surrey County Council, Whitebeam Lodge, Merrow Depot, Merrow Lane, Guildford, GU4 7BQ
Tel: 03456 009009 or email:

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