Countryside Estate contact details

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Report an issue on the countryside estate

Issues that do not require immediate action should be reported on 0300 200 1003 (during office hours) or via email on

Please see below to report an emergency.

How we prioritise issues

We receive over 1,000 consequential maintenance, enforcement and access enquiries each year. To ensure public safety and manage workloads effectively, we assign a priority to all issues. We call this our Priority Statement. We assess the risk relating to public safety by combining the severity of a potential hazard and the likelihood of its occurrence. We address issues in order of priority from 1 (high) to 5 (low), as resources allow. If you require a copy of the Priority Statement, please contact us by email to request it.

Report an emergency on the countryside estate

If you have an issue requiring immediate action, contact either:

  • Surrey County Council during normal office hours on 0300 200 1003. Our contact centre will contact relevant staff immediately. If this is not possible or appropriate, they will contact the police.
  • If the issue is out of normal office hours and a police matter, please report the issue to Surrey Police:
  • for emergencies such a serious crime or accident always dial 999
  • by phone on 101 or 01483 571212

Other enquiries



Contact us via our contact centre

Postal address

Surrey County Council Countryside Estate Team,
Whitebeam Lodge,
Merrow Depot,
Merrow Lane,

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