Crooksbury Hill visitor information


Quick guide and location map

This small hilltop site, between Farnham and Elstead, has a lot to offer with impressive Surrey Hills views and diverse wildlife habitats of woodland, grassland and heathland. Please always follow the Countryside Code.

Quick guide

  • Address and references: 35 Crooksbury Lane, Farnham, GU10 1NA
    OS Grid reference: SU878459
  • Type of site: wooded hilltop.
  • Accessibility: not suitable for wheelchair users or those with limited mobility.
  • Nearby accessible trail: Elstead Common and Farnham Park (AllTrails website).
  • Facilities:
    • small picnic area off car park
    • benches in car park, at base of hill and at the viewpoint
    • no toilets or refreshments on site
  • Nature to discover: birds, bats and more.
  • Dogs: please keep your dog under control.
  • Size: 17.2 hectares (43 acres).

Location map

On the map below, use the plus symbol to zoom in to see the locations of the site's paths and car parks and the minus symbol to zoom out to view where the site is situated in Surrey, and to see other countryside sites nearby. The home symbol resets the map to the default setting.

Crooksbury Hill has several footpaths throughout the site, including one leading from the car park at Crooksbury Lane, Farnham GU10 1NA.

Site details


Located between Farnham and Elstead in West Surrey, Crooksbury Hill is a small hilltop site with a mixture of woodland, grassland, heathland and great views.

From the car park it is either a steep climb up steps to the top of the hill or follow the winding woodland path around the side of the hill to the left.

Please take care of our countryside and open spaces, particularly areas of heathland where fire risk is high and follow the Countryside Code.

What you can do here

  • Enjoy space to explore
  • Relax and enjoy your refreshments at picnic benches
  • Experience peace and tranquillity
  • Sense of achievement on reaching the summit
  • Dog walking - under effective control
  • Discover the links to North Downs Way national trail to the north of the base of Crooksbury Hill
  • Explore history by visiting remains of a Bronze Age hill fort.

Self-guided walk

The one mile Spider trail self-guided route takes you to the summit up the steps and down through the woodland back to the car park, follow the signposts from the car park.

Medieval Waverley circular route off the North Downs Way goes through Crooksbury Hill.

What you can see here and when

  • Stunning views at hilltop towards South Downs all year round.
  • Viewing platform at summit showing landmarks
  • Nature to discover: a large number of species of bird, recorded throughout the year. Brandt's Bats may also be seen after sunset April to October. Visit Surrey Wildlife Trust website for more information about what you can see at Crooksbury Hill.

Site management, contact and designations

Site management

We own and manage Crooksbury Hill for public access including site management and litter bins, car park and visitor services.

You will find more information about how this site is managed for conservation and the wildlife to look out for at Surrey Wildlife Trust.

Contact details

Take a photo and share with us on our social media channels @ExploreSurreyUK

If you need to contact us about any issues at the Crooksbury Hill site, please use one of the options below:

Environmental designations and what they mean

Surrey Hills National Landscape, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) covers a quarter of the county of Surrey. The Surrey Hills AONB was created in 1958 for conservation due to its significant landscape value and enjoys levels of protection from development. Find out more about the Surrey Hills.

Scheduled Ancient Monument is an historic site or building that is included in the national government Schedule of Monuments.

Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) is a designation given to sites that have substantive local nature conservation and geological value.

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