Surrey History Trust Christmas cards are available in packs of five from Surrey History Centre and from the Surrey Heritage online shop.
- Five packs of 5 cards £5 (plus £4 postage and handling in the UK; £7 Europe; £10 rest of world)
- One pack of 5 cards £1 (plus £4 postage and handling in the UK; £7 Europe; £10 rest of world)
Each pack contains 5 cards of the same design. When you order, please tell us which design you would like. If you are contacting us from outside the UK, please let us know your country of origin as changes in VAT legislation may affect the services we can provide.
Click on the images to view larger ones.
Traveller family with caravans in the snow, circa 1900. (Photographer not known). Surrey History Centre reference: 4527/1/17-18. From a collection of glass photographic slides presented to Surrey Heritage in 1997 by Lambeth Archives Department.
'Bringing home the Tree'. Christmas tree harvest at Goldsworth Nurseries, Woking, circa 1930. (Photograph by Photopress of Fleet Street). Surrey History Centre reference: 7562/7/2 (5). Reproduced by kind permission of Mrs Shirley Slocock.
Young couple with dog enjoying the snow, circa 1900. (Photographer not known). Surrey History Centre reference: 4527/1/19. From a collection of glass photographic slides presented to Surrey Heritage in 1997 by Lambeth Archives Department.
'Carols round the Christmas Tree'. Photograph of children at Goldsworth Nurseries, Woking, circa 1930. (Photograph by Fox Photos of London). Surrey History Centre reference: 7562/7/2 (1). Reproduced by kind permission of Mrs Shirley Slocock. Goldsworth Nurseries began in the 1760s under James Turner. In 1877 the business was bought by Walter Charles Slocock and by his death in 1926 the site had grown to 420 acres. Records of the business between 1777 and 2000 are preserved by Surrey Heritage at Surrey History Centre.
'The Banstead 'Steppes'. Shopping by sleigh during the snow, 26 January 1926. (Photograph by C Friend-Smith). Surrey History Centre reference: 7828/2/11/29. This charming photograph was taken outside Tonge's post office and general store, Banstead. It is part of the Photographic Survey and Record of Surrey, established in Croydon 1902 'to preserve by permanent photographic process records of … what is valuable and representative in the County of Surrey.' The collection numbers many thousands of fascinating images of Surrey in the early twentieth century.