Surrey History Trust membership

Join Surrey History Trust today and help protect and promote our county's rich history.

Member benefits include

  • Audience at Surrey History Centre listening to talkthe chance to become involved in volunteer projects and hands-on activities
  • opportunities to see behind the scenes in the History Centre
  • making a real contribution to safeguarding Surrey's irreplaceable archival heritage

Cost of membership

Membership is currently open to:

  • individuals (£15 per annum)
  • families (£20 per annum)
  • groups and corporate bodies (price on application)
  • local history and other interested groups are welcome to join on an affiliate basis.

How to join

You can pay for membership online via the Surrey Heritage Shop.

For other payment methods, please contact:

  • The Secretary, Surrey History Trust, Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 01483 518737

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