Catalogues of Loseley Manuscripts held at Surrey History Centre

The manuscripts are mainly catalogued in three lists, refs LM, LM/COR and 6729. The latter two are correspondence only, but closely related material may be split across all three.

Catalogue LM and other records relating to Loseley

  • LM section A: Family Settlements and Records Relating to Descent of the Loseley Estate, 1549 to 1885
  • LM section G: Deeds Relating to Estates of the More And More Molyneux Family in Surrey and Elsewhere, c.1166 to 1857.
  • Other catalogues of Loseley estate records include: 1974 and 885 and 1285 and 1630 and 1764 and 9315
  • LM section B: Records of Public, Private and Military Offices and Commissions Held by the More and More Molyneux Family, 1312 to c.1815
  • LM section C: Records of Parliamentary, National and International Affairs, c.1536 to1775
  • LM section D: More and More Molyneux Family: Involvement in Local Affairs Including Parliamentary Elections, c.1598 to 1848
  • LM section E: More and More Molyneux Family Trusteeships and Executorships, Including Papers of Sir Thomas Cawarden, 1377 to 1788
  • LM section F: More and More Molyneux Family of Loseley: Personal and Family Papers, c.13th century to 20th century
  • G85: records of the Bray family including Loseley collections of William Bray (1736 to 1832) antiquarian
  • Records of Loseley and the More Molyneux family in the 20th century include 5136 and 7154.

Loseley correspondence

  • 6729: Correspondence of the More family, mid 15th century to 1740, selected for binding by the antiquarian William Bray in the 19th century. (A searchable database is available at Surrey History Centre).
  • Detailed descriptions of 16th century letters (ref LM/COR/1-3) temp. Sir Christopher More, Sir William More and Sir Thomas Cawarden.
  • Detailed descriptions of 17th century letters (ref LM/COR/4-9) temp. Sir George More, Sir Poynings More, Sir William More II, Bart, James Gresham, the Rev Nicholas More and Robert More
  • LM/COR/10-15: Summary descriptions of 18th and 19th century letters.
  • Z407: Loseley letters and documents held at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, USA, principally records of Sir Thomas Cawarden, John Donne and Catholic recusancy. The Folger has digitised its collection of Loseley MSS; a link to the digitised image(s) of each document is included in the Folger's catalogue descriptions.

More about the Loseley Letters database at Surrey History Centre.

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