Government health and welfare support and benefits

Government support


The Government offer a range of benefits depending on your needs. Since the new Government some of the benefits available have changed and are no longer available, so it is worth checking out what is now available and what you may be eligible for.

Find out if you can get Government funded benefits and how to claim visit the Benefits calculators.

Support with living costs

Find out what support is available to help with bills and costs in England. This includes support with utility bills, support from your local council and Council Tax Reduction. Cost of living support: Living costs: bills, housing and health - GOV.UK

Support for those who are disabled or have a health condition

Find out what support is available if you're disabled or have a health condition in England. This includes disability benefits, the Disability Cost of Living Payment and support with prescriptions and health costs.

Cost of living support: If you're disabled or have a health condition - GOV.UK

Support for those aged over 60

Find out what support is available if you're 60 or over in England. This includes checking your eligibility for Pension Credit, discounted travel and how to check your State Pension. Cost of living support: If you're 60 or over - GOV.UK

Pension Credit - you can get help with your living costs if you're over State Pension age and on a low income: even if you have savings or own your own home. Visit the Pension Credit: Overview - GOV.UK.

For more information on Pension Credit and to get assistance applying, please visit Pension credit advice Age UK or call Age UK Surrey - telephone number: 01483 503414 or email:

Winter Fuel Payments

Only those pensioners who receive Pension Credit will be eligible for the Government's annual Winter Fuel Payment of up to £300 - to receive this payment, eligible residents must apply for Pension Credit before 21 December 2024

Support for those with children or are expecting a child

Find out what support is available with childcare and maternity costs in England. This includes free childcare hours and free school meals.

Cost of living support: Childcare and maternity costs - GOV.UK

For more information on help with childcare costs, free school meals, school uniforms, holiday clubs visit Surrey County Council Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Benefits web pages.

Cold Weather payments

If you're getting certain benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest, you may be able to get a Cold Weather Payment if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, 0OC or below over seven consecutive days. This year's scheme will start on 1 November 2024. Cold Weather Payments are different to Winter Fuel Payments.

Find out more about the Cold Weather Payment: Overview - GOV.UK

Local council support

If you need help with Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support please contact your local District and Borough Council. To find your local council and see what help and support is available, visit our Surrey County Council - Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support web pages.

Help with managing finances

Help with your income

For full details and information on income support Income support - Help for Households

Help if you cannot pay your tax bill - visit online the HMRC If you cannot pay your tax bill on time: Overview - GOV.UK

Money Helper website is the Government's money manager tool that gives you free confidential money help that's quick to find. It offers impartial guidance and a range of tools to help make your money and pension choices clearer.

There are a number of local charities available that can give confidential support and advice to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt. Visit the Connect to Surrey Support debt advice results to find one near you.

Breathing Space

Anyone with debt problems can get support, and space from creditors with Breathing Space. It provides temporary protection from most types of debt collection, and added protection if you are receiving mental health crisis treatment. Find more information about Breathing Space on our Breathing Space debt support webpage.

Be Scam Aware

Criminals will try a variety of methods to gain your personal or banking information so please be aware of who you share your details with. Do not click links or reply to unsolicited texts or emails. For further scams advice please see the Surrey County Council Trading Standards website.

Trading Standards have a fortnightly newsletter where you can keep up to date with the latest scams, product recalls and alerts about rogue traders. Trading Standards newsletter.

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