Who we are
Our purpose
No one left behind
Our purpose as a council is to tackle inequality and make sure that no one is left behind.
This purpose flows from the Community Vision for Surrey 2030. Created with residents, communities and partners, it sets out how we all want Surrey to be by 2030. The Council plays a big part in the joint effort to realise this vision through the delivery of services and through partnerships such as the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Our organisation
What sort of organisation do we want to be?
- We organise ourselves around outcomes and make it easy for others across Surrey to collaborate with us.
- We help people and communities to help themselves and devolve decisions and service design as close to them as we can.
- We maximise the potential of digital and data to transform the way we work and improve accessibility.
- We seek out preventative, commercial and efficient approaches to help.
Our people
These are our culture commitments:
- We are an inclusive and compassionate place where we value diversity and can be ourselves at work
- We are a collaborative and inviting place where we are open, trust each other, and work as one
- We are an ambitious and outcomes-focused place where we are passionate about our purpose and take accountability for delivering great results.
- We are an inventive and dynamic place where we promote a learning mindset and adapt to new insights and opportunities
Our values
Our values show what we care about, and will be crucial in delivering our Community Vision for Surrey in 2030.
We care about our residents 
We put our residents front and centre of everything we do.
We care about being excellent
We set consistently high standards of performance and are prudent with our resources to achieve them.
We care about being open
We are straightforward and transparent about our decisions and actions and set realistic expectations.
We care about working together
We work with our partners, residents and colleagues to ensure the best possible outcomes for Surrey and its people.
We care about respecting others
We listen to our residents, partners and colleagues and treat them fairly, with consideration and respect.