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There are 105 vacancies that match your search criteria.
School Crossing Patrol Officer (reference: SCC/TP/287907/830)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: £12.04 per hour, £5,428.19 per annum
- Location: Surrey
- Closing date: N/A
Reablement Occupational Therapist (reference: SCC/TP/288851/2137)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: £40,929 - £43,735 per annum
- Location: Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB
- Closing date: 22 December 2024
Reablement Assistant (reference: surreycc/TP/287916/36)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: £24,275 - £25,993 per annum
- Location: Leatherhead, Surrey
- Closing date: N/A
Bank Contract - Joint Fire Control (reference: SCC/TP/377198/2282)
- Contract type: Bank
- Salary: PS7
- Location: Joint Fire Control, Salbrook Road Industrial Estate
- Closing date: 23 December 2024
Inter Service Transfer for Crew Commander Opportunities (reference: surreycc/TP/288913/325)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: Salary as per NJC pay scales, plus surrey allowance
- Location: Various across Surrey
- Closing date: 30 April 2025
Lead Outdoor Learning Instructor (reference: SCC/TP/288089/1949)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: £29,697 per annum
- Location: Outdoor Education Centre, Ham, Richmond, TW10 7RX
- Closing date: 3 January 2025
Supported Lodgings Carer (reference: SCC/TP/287912/960)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: Weekly allowance & contributions towards rental payments
- Location: Surrey wide
- Closing date: N/A
Educational Psychologist (reference: SCC/TP/288886/1228)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: £46,525 - £56,540 per annum + 3 SPA points
- Location: Woking, Reigate and Weybridge, Surrey
- Closing date: N/A
Independent Visitor Service Volunteers (reference: surreycc/TP/287911/765)
- Contract type: Volunteer
- Salary: This is an unpaid volunteering role
- Location: Surrey
- Closing date: N/A
Foster Carer (reference: surreycc/TP/287907/126)
- Contract type: Permanent
- Salary: £420+ per week plus additional tax benefits
- Location: Surrey Wide - Home Based
- Closing date: N/A
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