The following information sources provide countywide guidance on a range of technical areas to inform the development of high quality places and spaces. The information will be of interest to developers, planners and communities.
All guidance should be considered alongside the applicable district and borough Local Plan policies.
Page content
- Flooding and drainage
- Transport and highways
- Green and blue infrastructure/biodiversity
- Landscape
- Healthy placemaking
Flooding and drainage
- Surrey Sustainable Drainage System Design Guidance – The guidance provides advice from the Lead Local Flood Authority, Surrey County Council (SCC), relating to surface water drainage and sets out the minimum operating requirements as required in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It includes advice on how to meet National Standards, the evidence that will need to be provided and what standard conditions may be used. A pre-application advice service is also available.
- Ordinary watercourse consents – Considerations for ordinary watercourses as part of site development and the subsequent consent requirements.
Transport and highways
- Transport Development Control Good Practice Guide – The guide sets out how Surrey County Council considers highways and transportation matters for development proposals in Surrey. It covers pre-planning advice, planning and highways agreements and vehicle operator's licences.
- Healthy Streets for Surrey Design Guide– The refreshed design guidance was adopted as County Council policy in October 2022. It has been produced to assist developers, districts and boroughs and communities to understand what standards the County Council will be seeking when considering development proposals and in delivering public realm schemes.
- Surrey Local Transport Plan 4 - This statutory document sets out transport objectives and policies.
- Vehicular, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking Guidance for New Development Vehicle, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking guidance for New Development (2021) which proposes a series of maximum car parking standards, minimum cycle parking standards and standards for the provision of electric vehicle charging points for residential and non-residential development
Green and blue infrastructure/biodiversity
- Surrey Green and Blue Infrastructure Guide– Guidance and case studies focusing on urban greening, integrating green and blue infrastructure into new developments, green and active travel corridors and green links from urban to rural.
- Surrey Tree Strategy 2020 – Includes guidance on locations for planting and specific planting considerations.
- Surrey Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) 2015 – The LCA comprises a report and character areas map for each Surrey district and borough. The information may be of use as a part of a Landscape and Visual Appraisal or Impact Assessment (LVIA) to aid the design process. To be considered in conjunction with district and borough landscape character assessments (where available).
Healthy placemaking
- Health and Spatial Planning in Surrey - Information on Health Impact Assessments, an overview of the health landscape within the county and available data sources.
- Planning guidance for older people's accommodation with care - Provides the local care authority's view on development needs for extra care housing and planning profiles for the 11 Surrey districts and boroughs
See also Surrey Developer Contribution Guide for information on the council's expectations as to how development will need to contribute to mitigate the impacts on SCC infrastructure and services.