Minerals and waste policies and plans

As the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority (MWPA), Surrey County Council plans for a steady and adequate supply of minerals and enough facilities to manage waste arising in the county.

In doing so, the MWPA must ensure that the impacts of mineral working and waste management are controlled to acceptable levels and opportunities to grow Surrey's economy, address health inequalities, enable a greener future, and empower thriving communities are maximised.

The MWPA's development plan documents provide a land-use policy framework for mineral extraction and waste management in Surrey. For a full list of existing plans and documents which guide minerals and waste planning in Surrey, see the existing minerals plan and existing waste plan.

Information and services

Existing Minerals Plan

View the existing minerals development framework

Existing Waste Plan

View the existing waste development framework

Minerals and Waste Development Scheme May 2023 to 2027

View the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme

Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we will involve the local community and interested parties in our work

Minerals and Waste Policies Map

Details our policies map, showing existing sites across the county and Surrey County Council's consultation protocol.

Oil and gas development in Surrey

Frequently asked questions about oil and gas development in Surrey

Data collection and general data protection

How we use, manage, store and delete personal data in line with privacy regulations

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