The Minerals and Waste Planning Authority (MWPA) and Local Planning Authorities in Surrey operate under the Duty to Cooperate.
This requires them to work collaboratively together, and with other prescribed bodies, on a range of strategic planning matters that cross administrative boundaries. This includes issues relating to the supply of minerals and management of waste.
Further information relating to the MWPA's Duty to Cooperate obligations are provided in paragraphs 24 to 27 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2024.
To help meet its Duty to Cooperate obligations, and to identify opportunities for partnership working, the MWPA and other teams in Surrey County Council's Planning Group participate in several local, regional, and national forums which convene on a regular basis.
These forums include:
- The South East England Aggregates Working Party (SEEAWP)
- The South East Waste Planning Advisory Group (SEWPAG)
Cooperation and partnership working is also undertaken in other ways between a range of MWPAs. For example:
- South East Mineral Planning Authorities (MPAs) Joint Position Statement on Soft Sand 2023 (PDF)
- SEWPAG Joint Position Statement on the permanent deposit of inert waste 2019 (PDF)
- SEWPAG Joint Position Statement on non-hazardous landfill 2018 (PDF)
- SEWPAG Statement of Common Ground on the strategic movement of waste 2020 (PDF)
The Minerals and Waste Consultation Protocol
The Minerals and Waste Consultation Protocol agreed and published in 2025 sets out how the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority and Surrey's Local Planning Authorities cooperate to ensure minerals and waste issues are taken into account during the preparation of local plans and in the determination of planning applications.