Minerals and waste performance monitoring

Waste Capacity Need Assessment 2023

The Waste Capacity Need Assessment 2023 is a quantitative assessment based on best available up-to-date information. It seeks to identify the need for additional waste management capacity in Surrey for the period to 2042 by forecasting waste arisings and assessing capacity provided by existing waste management facilities in the county. The assessment will form part of the evidence base supporting the preparation of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan, and inform the monitoring of the Surrey Waste Local Plan 2020 and decision making relating to waste management development.

Local Aggregates Assessment

Mineral Planning Authorities are also required to produce a Local Aggregate Assessment (LAA) and to update it annually. This includes forecasts of the demand for aggregates, an analysis of all aggregate supply options and the rate of future provision for land-won primary aggregates in Surrey. The latest Local Aggregate Assessment (PDF) for Surrey was published in December 2023.

Authority Monitoring Report

The county council has a statutory duty to prepare a monitoring report on minerals and waste planning in Surrey.

The reports cover:

  • Progress on the minerals and waste development framework
  • A review of policy implementation and performance
  • Information on minerals resources, sales and the landbank
  • Information on waste arisings, management and capacity
  • General statistics on the number of planning applications received and decisions issued
  • A review of planning enforcement and site monitoring work
  • Progress on site restoration and environmental enhancement

The latest Authority Monitoring Report for Surrey has been published and covers the monitoring period January 2022 to December 2022.

South East Aggregate Monitoring Report

The South East Aggregates Monitoring Report includes data on primary aggregate sales, permissions and reserves from quarries and wharves and sales and planning permissions at rail depots, and fixed sites producing recycled and secondary aggregates. Data on marine dredged sand and gravel landed at wharves has also been supplied by the Crown Estate. The South East Aggregate Monitoring Reports can be found on Hampshire County Council's website.

Older versions and current versions of the Annual Monitoring Report, Local Aggregate Assessment and Aggregates Monitoring Update are available in PDF format by contacting the Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Team at: mdf@surreycc.gov.uk

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