Planning news and developments

This page outlines significant developments for which the County Council is planning authority. Please note that it will not include information or news about planning applications that are decided by the local Borough and District Councils, who handle matters relating to domestic and commercial planning.

Local List for planning application validation updated

What is the Local List for planning application validation?

The Local List is published by planning authorities to clarify what information is required for applications of a particular type, scale or location. Information requested must be reasonable, having regard to the nature and scale of the proposed development; and on matters that are reasonably likely to be material considerations in the determination of the application.

When was it updated?

Our Local List was reviewed in several phases across 2022 and 2023, and the revised and updated version (version 4) was approved by put the Planning and Regulatory Committee in on the 20 December 2023. The revised and updated Local List (version 4) came into force on the 3 January 2024.

How was it updated and consulted upon?

In line with the Planning Practice Guidance: Making an Application (paragraph 044: reference ID: 14-044-20140306) there was internal consultation exercise with statutory consultees and our Development Management Officers, between October 2022 and April 2023, to provide initial feedback on the previously adopted Local List. Following feedback from this initial consultation, revisions were made and a proposed new version went out for second consultation with applicants, agents, statutory consultees, non-statutory consultees, parish councils, residents' associations and other interested parties. This second consultation took place between 22 May and 17 July 2023 on the Surrey Says consultation hub online.

The responses of the consultation were analysed and incorporated into the final version, where necessary. The final version (version 4) was presented to Planning and Regulatory Committee on the 20 December 2023, where it was formally adopted. See the Officer's Report for further details - available on the committee meeting agenda item page.

What legal authority do we use to create and maintain this Local List?

The legal and regulation for this stems from the Town and County Planning Act 1990 (sections 62 to 64). The scope of it is determined by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (paragraph 44) and the method for reviewing and revising a Local List are contained within the Planning Practice Guidance (paragraphs 43 and 44).

What are the changes from the previous version?

The main changes relate to the updating of the links to references and guidance documents and some inaccuracies which have been corrected. Within the Local List document Officers have included further detail on what is required for specific planning applications such as those for non-material amendments, details pursuant, section 73 applications, prior approval for demolition and outline planning permission.

Within Annexes 1, 2, and 3 details on the requirements for the Green Belt, landscaping, and environmental amenities (such as air quality) sections have been updated. In addition, Annexes 1, 2 and 3 Great Crested Newts and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) have been included within the Ecology Chapter and Drainage and Water Supply Report has also been included within the Water Environment Chapter. Furthermore, within Annex 3, details on Special Protection Areas (SPAs) has also been included within the Ecology Section. For more detail please refer to the schedules of modification that provide a summary of the changes undertaken. The schedules of modification are available on the committee meeting agenda item page.

Woodhill Sandpit (updated 19 April 2024)

The application details can be found on our online register under planning application reference SCC Ref 2021/0150.

What has happened to the application?

This application was withdrawn by the applicant on 15 April 2024. If you have written to the Council to make representations on this application, you will be formally written to advising you of this withdrawal.

Does that mean it was refused?

No, this does not constitute a formal decision by the Council and is done so at the applicant's discretion. Therefore, there will be no formal decision or reasons published by the Council.

Could there be another application?

This withdrawal does not prevent or prejudice any future application(s) being submitted for this site. Any such application(s) would be subject to the same consultation and determination process.

Watersplash Farm mineral development (last updated 28 May 2024)

When was planning permission given?

Planning permission (reference SP12/01487) was granted by the Planning and Regulatory Committee in July 2019, subject to legal agreement, for the extraction of concreting aggregate (a mix of sand and gravel) from land at Watersplash Farm. To support this the permission also allows for the erection of processing plant and associated mineral infrastructure, the provision of a new access from the Gaston Bridge Road/Green Lane roundabout, and the temporary diversion of public footpath 53 for the duration of operations.

Permission was issued on 12 March 2020 following the completion of the legal agreement, with a condition that development must commence within five years of this date.

What limits and controls are there for this development?

This development was granted subject to 45 planning conditions. This includes conditions on time limits, hours of operation, dust, noise, traffic movements and phased delivery. There is also a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure long-term landscape and ecological management, maintenance and aftercare of part of the land at Watersplash Farm, and the long-term monitoring of the groundwater.

Why is development only starting now?

Many of the conditions imposed on this planning permission required the developers to provide further details to us for approval prior to commencement of the development. These included details of a dust management plan, a construction scheme, an environmental management and monitoring plan, a lighting plan, and more.

What is currently happening on site?

Cemex is the site operator and they have begun to set up the site for mineral extraction. This includes:

  • Placement of the bridge over the River Ash.
  • Soil stripping to facilitate the erection of the boundary noise and visual bunds and the construction of the fresh water and silt lagoons on the eastern bank
  • Fencing of the existing public footpath.
  • Soil stripping on the western side of the site for the erection of the bunds and provisionally laying out the temporary footpath diversion with fencing.
  • The movement of ballast from the fresh water and silt lagoon areas to facilitate the surcharge of the plant area to bring it up over flood levels and the development of the two lagoons.
  • Building of a new access off the Gaston Bridge Road.
  • The building of a haul road from the Gaston Bridge Road to the plant site area.
  • The erection of the processing plant and welfare infrastructure.

The timeline for these activities is dependent on several variables, such as the weather, supply line issues, the Environment Agency, the section 278 agreement (highways work to connect to the roundabout), and the outcome of the public footpath inquiry.

Once the site is set up, Cemex's goal is to start sand and gravel extraction next summer (2024). This is when they aim to be extracting, processing, and moving mineral out of the site.

How long will the development last?

The site will be worked in four stages and progressively restored to agriculture, flood meadows, and lake and reed beds with public access. To restore the site, inert materials (e.g. soils, brick, rubble) shall be imported to fill the void space created by the mineral extraction.

The planning permission conditions state that extraction and transportation is until five years, and restoration of the site completed within six years, of the commencement date (24 July 2023).

How will the development be monitored?

We will undertake three formal site monitoring visits each year and any additional visits, as required, where concerns arise.

Cemex are required to keep records of all Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements and report them to us quarterly.

Where can I find more information?

How do I raise any concerns about the development?

You can contact us on where it will be forwarded to the enforcement and monitoring officers, as appropriate.

For issues of immediate concern the site manager is Bill Morris, who can contacted by email on

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