Alterations to existing roads under S278 Highways Act 1980

Surrey County Council, as highway authority, is responsible for ensuring the safe alteration of existing roads required by developers to facilitate new developments.

Surrey County Council expects alterations of existing roads to:

  • be constructed to a satisfactory standard and
  • pay commuted sums where appropriate to provide for ongoing maintenance and
  • be complaint with Surrey County Council's S278 Guidance Pack

Any Agreement will be subject to full payment of all reasonable administration costs and commuted sums (as required under Surrey County Council's Commuted Sum Policy.

Mini S278 works process

The mini S278 process should be followed for minor works (excluding standard vehicle crossovers) that do not require the addition of new highway land. See Mini S278 Guidance Pack in the list of files to download below. A copy of the current Mini S278 Agreement Form is available on request using the relevant email address below:

Full S278 works process

The full S278 process should be followed for larger works or those that require the addition of new highway land. See S278 Guidance Pack below. A copy of the current S278 Agreement Form is available on request using the relevant email address above.

Files available to download

  • Mini Section 278 Guidance Pack (PDF)
    Guidance to assist developers when their planning permission requires them to undertake minor development related highway works under S278 of the Highways Act 1990
  • Section 278 Guidance Pack (PDF)
    Guidance to assist developers when their planning permission requires them to undertake medium to large scale development related highway works under S278 of the Highways Act 1990

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