Poetry in Surrey libraries

Poetry in Surrey libraries blog

If you have a passion for poems, you will love the Poetry in Surrey blog. The blog features a new poem every day, and includes sections dedicated to poetry recordings, children's poetry, and selected poetry titles available from Surrey libraries.

If you are feeling inspired, you can even recommend a favourite poem or submit a poem of your own creation, which could be published on the blog.

Poetry videos

We have several poetry videos on our YouTube channel.

Watch as our resident poet Laura Randall reads and writes a poem about expressing yourself through poetry:

Poetry available in Surrey libraries

Godalming library Reading Friends poetry group

No specialist knowledge is required, just an interest in sharing our enjoyment of poetry. We will be reading some poetry and talking about the poems and poets we love. See the Godalming Library events and activities webpage for dates and times.

You can also search the library catalogue to explore our extensive range of poetry titles from around the world, including both classic and modern poets, or search for poetry eBooks and eAudiobooks available now via our various digital platforms.

Staines library Poetry Hub

The Poetry Hub at Staines library is our weekly gathering, designed to be a haven for adults seeking connection and creativity through the power of poetry. Held every week, our morning sessions offer a warm and welcoming environment where participants can engage in various activities centred around verse.

From writing challenges to a cosy book club atmosphere, each session is a chance to explore the beauty of language and share stories in a supportive community. With limited time but endless possibilities, join us at your local Poetry Hub for enriching conversations, inspiring challenges, and the joy of discovering the poet within.

Words in Focus: landscape poetry and photography

Words in Focus is an anthology showcasing the work of local photographers and poets who have found inspiration in the Surrey landscape. There is one copy available for loan and a reference copy which can be viewed on request at Surrey History Centre.

'I should have then this only fear
Lest men, when they my pleasure see,
Should hither throng to live like me,
And so make a city here'

Abraham Cowley (1618 to 1667), Chertsey.

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day is the annual celebration held on the first Thursday of October each year that encourages all to enjoy, discover and share poetry.

World Poetry Day is held on 21 March each year, and aims to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities.

Poetry resources online

  • AllPoetry.com is the web's largest poetry writing group, suitable for beginners to experts.
  • PoemHunter is a free resource of poetry online.
  • The Poetry Archive is a charity dedicated to the production, acquisition and preservation of recordings of significant poets reading their work aloud.
  • Poetry by Heart provides educational resources and is supported by the Department for Education.
  • The Poetry Society is a website from the publisher of The Poetry Review, the UK's foremost poetry quarterly.

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