Events and activities at New Haw Community Library

Page contents

Special events

There are currently no special events planned at this library.

Rhymetime and storytime for under fives

Every Wednesday from 2.30pm until 3pm (during school term time only)

Join us for nursery rhymes, songs and a short story.

No booking necessary.

Find out more about rhymetime and storytime in Surrey libraries.

Reading groups

New Haw library reading group

First Monday of each month, from 10.30 until 12 noon.

Wednesday book club

First Wednesday of the month, from 10.30am to 12 noon.

Find out more about reading groups in Surrey libraries.

Other events

Bumps and babes

Every Monday from 10.30am until 12 noon.

Drop in for a chat. Tea, coffee, juice and nibbles provided.

Children's street dance class

Every Tuesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm, with Holly's school of dance (during school term time only)

Sessions must be booked directly with the provider.

Jigsaw swap

Available during regular opening hours.

Knit and natter

Every Monday from 10.30am to 12 noon

Lego club

Every Saturday from 10.30am to 12 noon

Poetry appreciation group

Third Tuesday of each month from 2pm to 3pm, with Sarah Lloyd.

If you are interested in joining the group please email:

Stable and able exercise class

Every Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm, with Andreea

Sessions must be booked directly with the instructor. Please contact Andreea on 07496 886566.


  • every Monday from 9.30am until 10.30am, with Rachel
  • every Monday from 6.30pm until 7.30pm, with Rachel
  • every Tuesday from 10am until 11.30am, with Jackie
  • every Friday from 9.30am until 10.30am , Rachel

Sessions must be booked directly with the relevant instructor. Please contact Rachel on 07814 541323, or Jackie on 07881 505161.

Digital Support Volunteer

Every Saturday from 11am to 1pm. By appointment only.

A slot can be booked at the library desk, or by emailing

Please see our Digital Support Volunteer page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital Support Volunteer service.

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