Events and activities at Walton Library

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Special events

Marvellous Makers Dogs Trust workshop

Tuesday 6 August, from 10.30am to 12 noon.

Calling all Marvellous Makers! Join Walton Library for a dog-focused, fun and free family workshop! This face-to-face workshop is packed with engaging dog-related games, and activities, designed to teach children how to behave responsibly around dogs and understand their body language. Please leave your pooch at home.

Suitable for ages 7 to 11. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Event free but booking necessary as spaces are limited.

Please book your place on online or at the helpdesk in Walton library.

Book for the Marvellous Makers Dogs Trust workshop at Walton Library

Suffrage to sisterhood: a local history talk

This free local history event will be held on two dates:

  • Tuesday 27 August, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm

Everyone's heard of the Suffragettes, but what happened to them after women got the vote?

This talk will use Elmbridge Museum collection items to explore the sometimes violent fight for the vote in Elmbridge, outlining the famous suffrage protest events which happened locally and the women behind them. Partial franchise was finally granted to some women in 1918, but the talk won't end there. It will attempt to answer the questions:

  • What happened to women after 1918?
  • How did the millions of excluded women finally get their vote?
  • How did local women continue to organise themselves in the years after the vote was won?

Come along to this free talk to hear the little-explored sequel to the suffrage story.
This talk will include a chance to see an incredibly rare, original Women's Co-operative Guild banner up-close. The banner was hand-made in the 1930s.

The talk ties in with a current display on the topic at Walton Library and will explore the items in the display case in more detail.

Limited places available, please book your free ticket online or speak to a member of staff at the Walton Library helpdesk.

Book for Suffrage to sisterhood: a local history talk

Beyond the bassline: Living knowledge network exhibition and events

Wednesday 29 May to Wednesday 26 June.

The Living Knowledge network exhibition, Beyond the Bassline, shines a spotlight on different voices and perspectives to celebrate Black British music as a form of entertainment and vehicle for community, as well as a source of liberation, protest and education.

Please see our Living knowledge network page for more information about the Living knowledge network in Surrey Libraries and other libraries on the tour.

Walton Library will be hosting the following event in support of the exhibition.

Pebble rhymetime and storytime

Pebble rhymetime

Every Thursday from 10.30am to 11am

Booking essential. Bookings can be made in person at the library from Saturday onwards each week.

Find out more about Pebble rhymetimes in Surrey libraries.


Every Wednesday from 4pm to 4.30pm

No booking required.

Find out more about storytime in Surrey libraries.

Reading Groups

There are currently no Reading Groups being held in the library.

Find out more about reading groups in Surrey libraries.

Other Events

Digital support volunteer (Digital Buddy)

There is currently no Digital Buddy service at Walton library.

Please see our Digital Buddy page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital Buddy service.

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