Early Years Pupil Premium

Information for parents and carers

Does your child go to an early years' provider like a nursery, pre-school or childminder? Are they receiving Funded early education and childcare?

If so, your early years provider may be able to get extra funding so they can do even more to support your child. This may be through specialist training for their staff or new experiences for the children.

The funding is called Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and is paid directly to early years providers.

Who is eligible?

Your child may be eligible if you receive any of the following benefits:

Funding may also be available if your child falls into one of the following groups:

  • Is looked after by the local authority
  • Adopted from care
  • Has left care through a special guardianship arrangement
  • Has left care and is subject to a child arrangement order

How much money will my childcare provider receive?

Early Years providers could receive up to £387.60 a year for every child who is eligible for EYPP. This funding from the government goes directly to your early years' provider.

How do I apply

The EYPP application form is on page 3 of the funded early education declaration form (DOC). To access your funded entitlement, you need to sign this form each funded period.

Your early years provider will then send the form to the Funded Early Education Team. The team will check to see if your child meets the criteria and send out any additional funding.

Any information you share will be completely confidential. This will not affect any benefits you receive.

The application has been combined with the declaration form, but you can still download a separate EYPP registration form from the bottom of this page. You can also ask your early years provider for a copy.

My childcare provider isn't aware of EYPP

Childcare providers can visit the EYPP information for childcare professionals web page to find out how they can benefit from the scheme.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Early Years Commissioning Team at EYcommissioningteam@surreycc.gov.uk.

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