Parenting courses and advice

Parenting can be very rewarding, but there can also be times when you need support. The services below include parenting courses, resources for advice and helplines. We have included examples of those specifically for parent/carers of young children with Additional Needs and/or Disabilities (AND) and covered courses for a variety of age groups.

Parenting courses

The aim of these courses is to help your relationship with your child by helping you understand or communicate with them better. Taking part in a course can improve your confidence and create a happier home environment.

Some courses take place face to face, often at Family centres, and some are offered online. Courses are different lengths, from one off sessions to a few weeks. There is sometimes a small cost however you can get support to cover this.

You can find details of parenting courses and other support services for families on our Family Information Directory. We have also provided the details of the different types of parenting courses some below:

  • Parenting Puzzle Workshops are courses that encourage parents and carers to enjoy bringing up children and get the best out of family life. They offer positive, practical ways of guiding children, so they learn to handle both their feelings and their behaviour.
  • Talking Teens are courses which help with some of the challenges that come with Parenting teenagers. They help parents to understand teenagers better so that family life is calmer and happier.
  • Relate offer a range of counselling from trained counsellors, including various aspects of family life and parenting. This includes support with Parenting teenagers and advice on how to deal with the challenges parenting teenagers can bring.

Click on your local borough below to find nearby courses and parenting advice.

More parenting courses are now delivered online, some suggestions for online courses and advice can be found below:

  • Solihull online parenting guides if you are a Surrey resident, you will be able to have free access to these guides. The guides cover a wide range of topics and include tips from childcare, education and NHS health experts
  • Family Lives Parents Channel TV contains a large number of videos, which answer parents' questions and concerns regarding topics like wellbeing, behaviour and learning.
  • Family Links Parents Webinars offer 60-minute webinars for parents of children aged 0 to 19, they aim to improve family relationships and wellbeing.
  • Talking Teenagers contains interviews with experts, who offer advice to help parents of teenagers with some of the issues they might face.

  • Barnardo's Surrey Positive Parenting Service - ADHD is a programme offering advice and support for parents of children aged 6 to 18 years old who have been diagnosed with, or are awaiting a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  • Stepping up for autism is an 8-week course for parents and carers in Surrey of children and young people who are autistic or have similar needs.

Additional AND specific courses can be found in the Surrey Local Offer directory or on the Course and training for parents page of the Local Offer website.

January 2025

From 23 January

Parenting Puzzle, Surrey Heath Family Centre, 01276 462897

Family Support Drop In, Surrey Heath Family Centre, 01276 462897

27 January to 3 February

Parenting Puzzle, Epsom Family Centre, 01372 571178,

21 January to 1 April

Families Thriving Together, Elmbridge,

February 2025

11 February to 4 March

Talking Teens (Online), Elmbridge and Spelthorne,

11 February

Self-harm Parent Workshop, Matrix Trust, The Hideaway Cafe Guildford,

26 February to 12 March

Supporting your Neurodiverse child, Ewell Family Centre, 01372571178,

March 2025

6 to 27 March

Keeping the child in mind, Elmbridge Family Centre,

Family learning courses

Family Learning offer courses for parents and carers to help give children a positive start in life and support their learning and development at home and school.

A wide range of free courses are offered online, from parenting and wellbeing, to maths and English for parents who speak English as an additional language.

Full details, including how to sign up, are available on the Family Learning web page. You may also like to find out more about Family learning in the video below.

Family helplines

These are usually free and offer confidential information and advice about any concerns you may have about your children or family. You can talk to them about any aspect of family life including children's behaviour, teenagers, adult relationships, separation and divorce, grandchildren and step parenting issues.

Some services offer a webchat service as well as their telephone helpline. Examples of these are below:

  • Family Lives Helpline: 0808 800 2222.
    This service offers a 24-hour helpline, extensive advice on its website, live chat services, befriending services, and parenting/relationship support groups.
  • Young Minds Helpline: 0808 802 5544
    A helpline and webchat service for parents and carers who are concerned about their child's mental health up to the age of 25. Open 9.30am - 4pm, Monday to Friday.

You can find details of other popular helplines for families on this shortlist of services from our Family Information Directory.

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