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Your Fund Surrey for community projects

Your Fund Surrey update

Due to pre-election period restrictions, applications to the Your Fund Surrey Small Community Projects and Your Councillor Community Funds will be paused from Monday 3 June.

No funding decisions will be made for YFS Large and Small Community Funds or the Your Councillor Community Fund until after the general election on 4 July 2024.

Your Fund Surrey funded projects interactive map

Your Fund Surrey now has an interactive map for residents to use. This map displays information and the location's of all of Your Fund Surrey's funded projects to date and can be a great tool for developing your project idea or taking a look at any new projects in your local area.

Launch the interactive map

Your Fund Surrey - more ways to make a difference in your community

Did you know there is funding available for both small and large community projects in your local area?

Whether you:

  • Want to build a new community space
  • Refurbish a community hall
  • Want new playing fields or need new sports equipment
  • Or want to develop your green spaces, plant trees, or create ponds

Your Fund Surrey (YFS) has funding for Large Community Projects and Small Community Projects.

Which means there are now even more ways to Make It Happen in your local areas.

Questions and answers regarding pre-election pausing of funds

Due to pre-election regulations prior to the general election taking place on 4 July 2024 Surrey County Council, will be pausing the community funding programmes. We will not be accepting any new applications for Your Fund Surrey Small Projects and Your Councillor Community Fund during this period and will not be making any funding decisions for any fund.

From 5 July 2024, applications will once again continue to be processed, approved and publicised. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers that help to explain what will and won't be happening during this time.

We will not be accepting any new applications for Your Fund Surrey Small Community Projects and Your Councillor Community Fund.

Your Fund Surrey Large Community Projects will still be open for applications, but no decisions will be made until after 4 July 2024.

You can still submit Idea Submissions and Full Submissions for YFS Large Projects Community Funding but no decisions will be made until after 4 July 2024.

If your application was due to go to Advisory Panel on 12 June 2024, this will be deferred until later in the summer. The team will be in contact with further information.

No, payments for all approved funding will continue.

Where possible decisions will be made for all applications received upto 3 June 2024. However, if you do not receive confirmation of a decision for Your Fund Surrey Small Community Projects or Your Councillor Community Fund applications before 3 June 2024 these will now not be made until after 4 July 2024.

Where possible, opening events should be postponed until after 5 July 2024. If this is not possible, Surrey County Councillors are welcome to attend but Surrey County Council officers will not be able to publicise during the pre-election period between Monday 3 June until Thursday 4 July.

Surrey County Council are unable to undertake any publicity during the pre-election period but if external organisations wish to carry out their own publicity events and marketing they are free to do so.

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