Do you have a disability that makes travel more difficult? If you do, our support options can make things easier.
You can apply for yourself, someone else or an organisation.
Getting around
Free bus travel
Apply for (or renew) a disabled bus pass to travel free of charge
On-demand buses
Get from A to B with Surrey Connect and Dial-A-Ride
Voluntary car scheme
Help from volunteers in your community, including transport and shopping
Train support services
Advice from GOV.UK, including disabled person's railcards and how to report a problem
Disabled parking - Blue Badge
Apply for (or renew) a Blue Badge to park in a variety of accessible locations - often for free
Disabled parking bays
Apply for marked on-street parking at home if you have a Blue Badge
Dropped kerbs
Apply for a dropped kerb - helping you safely access your home
Obstructions and other issues
Report an obstruction
Report an issue that has made getting around harder - such as an obstruction on a pavement
Report misuse of a Blue Badge
How to report it and what happens next