Guildford, Godalming and Haslemere bus timetables

Below are the bus timetables in service number order for the Guildford, Godalming and Haslemere areas including Bramley, Chiddingfold, Cranleigh, Dunsfold, Elstead, Ewhurst, Farncombe, Gomshall, Hindhead, Horsley, Merrow, Milford, Normandy, Puttenham, Send, Shackleford, Witley and surrounding areas.

Services are operated with low-floor fully-accessible buses, unless stated. For services marked "wheelchair-accessible vehicle", wheelchairs may be loaded by means of a lift. For services marked "not fully-accessible", advance contact should be made with the operator before travelling with a wheelchair, to allow arrangements to be made.

For the most up to date information on planned changes to bus services, please visit our forthcoming bus timetable changes web page.

For information on bus services that have been affected by roadworks, please visit our temporary changes to bus services web page.

For advice on bus services during periods of bad weather, please visit our bus service disruption due to to bad weather web page.

For information on buses that serve or go near schools, please visit our local bus services to schools web page.

For information on buses that go to hospitals, please visit our hospital transport web page.

For information on buses that go to airports, please visit our bus services to airports web page.

List of bus services


These maps are only provided as a general guide to services and actual services and routes may differ to those shown. You should check any bus routes with the operator before travelling.

Services from RA2 to 28

Bus service number and timetableOperator Route location


First Berkshire

"Railair" Express Coach service Guildford Rail Station to Heathrow Airport

1 and N1


Between Guildford Friary and University campuses, serving Royal Surrey Hospital, Manor Park and Surrey Sports Park in a one-way anti-clockwise loop.

2 Stagecoach Between Guildford and Stoughton, serving Worplesdon Road , Cumberland Avenue, Grange Road and Manor Road in a one way clockwise loop.



Guildford, Guildford College and Bellfields



Guildford, Woodbridge Hill, Southway, Park Barn, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford Park and Guildford (circular)



Guildford town centre via London Road, Burpham and Glendale Drive to Merrow Park
7 Stagecoach Guildford, Merrow, Bushy Hill


Carlone Buses (Not fully accessible)

The Mount to Guildford


Compass Bus

Guildford, Farnham Road Hospital and Onslow Village



Haslemere, Hindhead, Churt, Farnham and Aldershot

20 Stagecoach

Aldershot, Tongham, Ash, Normandy, Fairlands Estate and Guildford



Haslemere, Hindhead, Headley Down, Whitehill, Kingsley, Alton


Compass Bus

Guildford, Shalford, Bramley, Nanhurst Corner and Cranleigh


Compass Bus

Guildford, Charlotteville, Merrow, Shere, Gomshall, Peaslake, Ewhurst and Cranleigh


Falcon Buses

Woking, Wych Hill, St Johns, Knaphill, Brookwood, Pirbright, Worplesdon, Stoughton, Guildford

Services from O30 to 35

Bus service number and timetableOperator Route location
O30 National Express

London, Guildford, Hindhead, Portsmouth and Southsea and Fareham

Please visit National Express website


Compass Bus/ Metrobus

Redhill, Earlswood, Meadvale, Reigate, Betchworth, Strood Green, Brockham, Dorking, Westcott, Gomshall, Shere, Albury, Chilworth and Guildford



Guildford, Slyfield Green, Jacob's Well, Westfield, Woking, St John's, Knaphill, Bisley, Lightwater, Bagshot and Camberley

35 Stagecoach

Guildford, Jacobs Well, Sutton Green, Mayford, Woking

Services from 40 to 91

Bus service number and timetableOperator Route location



Burnt Common, Ripley, Send, Old Woking, Woking


Compass Bus

Cranleigh, Nanhurst Corner, Alfold Crossways, Dunsfold, Loxhill, Hascombe, Busbridge, Godalming, Catteshall, Farncombe and Guildford


Compass Bus

Cranleigh, Rowly, Shamley Green, Wonersh, Shalford, Farncombe and Godalming Sixth Form College


Compass Bus

Busbridge and Rodborough School



Aldershot, Farnham, Elstead, Shackleford, Hurtmore, Godalming, Farncombe, Compton and Guildford


Buses4U (Wheelchair accessible vehicle)

Cranleigh/Forest Green, Ewhurst, Walliswood, Oakwoodhill, Ockley, Warnham, Broadbridge Heath and Horsham



Guildford, Bramley, Wonersh, Shamley Green, Cranleigh and Ewhurst/Rudgwick, Slinfold and Horsham



Guildford - Farnham - Bentley - Froyle - Alton (connections at Alton for Alresford and Winchester)


Compass Bus

Alfold, Loxwood, Kirdford, Wisborough Green, Pulborough, Arundel and Worthing



Guildford, Peasmarsh, Farncombe, Godalming, Milford, Witley, Brook, Haslemere, Fernhurst and Midhurst



Rushmoor, Beacon Hill, Frensham, Lower Bourne to Weydon School



Woking, Marston Road, Sythwood, Goldsworth Park, Knaphill, Sainsbury's, Brookwood, Pirbright and Guildford

Services 455 to 479

Bus service number and timetableOperator Route location


Carlone Buses

Addlestone to Woking via Woodham Lane with extensions to Merrist Wood College


White Bus

462 - Woking, Send, Burnt Common, Burpham and Guildford

463 - Woking, Send, Burnt Common, Clandon, Merrow and Guildford

This service is due to change on 5 April 2025. Please visit our forthcoming bus timetable changes web page.



Hammer Hill Estate, Camelsdale Bridge, Fernhurst to Rother College


Repton's Coaches

Guildford, Merrow, West Clandon, West Horsley, East Horsley, Effingham, Bookham, Leatherhead and Woodbridge


Falcon Buses

Epsom, Ashtead, Leatherhead, Fetcham, Bookham, Effingham, West Clandon, Merrow and Guildford Bus Station

Services from 625 to 697

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location


Compass Bus

Guildford Bus Station, Shalford Rail Station, Chilworth Station, Albury and George Abbot School


Reptons Coaches

Ripley, Ockham, West Horsley, East Horsley and Howard of Effingham School



Worplesdon, Stanford Common, Pirbright, Pirbright Camp, Brookwood, Winston Churchill School, Kingfield Green


Carlone Buses

Tongham, Ash, Normandy, Christmaspie, Puttenham and Broadwater School


Carlone Buses

Onslow Village, Guildford Park and St Joseph's School

Services 715 to 997

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location


Falcon Buses

Guildford, Burnt Common, Ripley, Cobham, Esher, Thames Ditton and Kingston

Other services

Service and timetable Route location
Compo Community Bus Compton, Puttenham and Godalming
Wasp Community Bus Community service

Park and Ride

Service update September 2024

  • Service 100 Onslow is suspended and will not operate until further notice.
  • Services 200 Artington and 300 Merrow operate to the timetables shown below.
  • Park and Ride service from the Spectrum is suspended and will not operate until further notice.

The impact of the pandemic and changing work and shopping patterns has impacted the numbers of people travelling to/from Guildford every day. Usage of the Park and Ride services is increasing however passenger numbers are currently less than half the pre-pandemic levels. Surrey County Council, Guildford Borough Council and Stagecoach will monitor demand and amend the schedules as and when passenger demand increases.

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location

100 Park and Ride Onslow


Park and Ride Service: Onslow - Guildford Town Centre

Note: Service suspended

200 Park and Ride Artington Stagecoach

Park and Ride Service: Artington - Guildford Town Centre

300 Park and Ride Merrow Stagecoach

Park and Ride Service: Merrow - Guildford Town Centre

Spectrum Park and Ride Stagecoach

Park and Ride service: Spectrum - Guildford Town Centre

Note: Service suspended

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