Notification of arrangement for concessionary bus scheme

  1. Surrey County Council gives notice of the publication of its concessionary bus fares scheme for older and disabled people, as part of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS), in accordance with and subject to the relevant provisions of the Transport Act 1985, the Transport Act 2000, the Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007 and all associated secondary legislation.
  2. The scheme will operate from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2026.
  3. The scheme provides that the following permanent residents of Surrey are entitled to hold a standard ENCTS pass, issued without charge:
    • Older people, that is a man or woman who has reached the age at which a woman born on the same day becomes eligible to receive the State Pension.
    • People with a qualifying disability, in accordance with the legislation and Department for Transport guidance.
  4. The statutory scheme provides for free travel on Local Bus Services anywhere in England between 0930 and 2300 hours on Mondays to Fridays, and at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Passes cannot be used on:
    • Services of limited duration, or to special events.
    • Long-distance express services, such as operated by National Express.
    • Train, tram or ferry services (even if operated by a replacement bus).
    • Any services outside England.
    • Any other services deemed by this authority to be exempted in the Department for Transport guidance.
  5. Reimbursement for Local Bus operators will continue to be based on the number and value of journeys made by pass holders boarding within the county. Further information on claiming reimbursement is contained in a separate 'Notes of Guidance to Operators'; this will be issued to operators participating in the scheme.

All enquiries should be addressed to:

Strategic Transport Group
Environment, Transport & Infrastructure
Surrey County Council
Quadrant Court
35 Guildford Road
GU22 7QQ

Our website has more information about the scheme and this is also available from Surrey libraries.

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