Runnymede parking reviews

Parking review 2025

Site assessments for this parking review will begin in December 2024. They will continue through January 2025 and recommendations will go to County Councillors for their approval in March 2025.

If you have a location you would like assessed in this review, please submit a request for this parking review by end of November 2024.

Parking review 2023 to 2024

Site assessments were undertaken in Autumn 2023 for this parking review.

County councillor approval was granted in December 2023 and this parking review was formally advertised and consulted upon in January and February 2024. All the feedback received was compiled into a report and distributed to county councillors and the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Manager to read. Together they have made final decisions on how to proceed with each proposal. The Decisions Report is published towards the bottom of the Runnymede parking review 2023 to 2024 web page.

The advert included the most popular option chosen in last October's informal consultation for introducing limited waiting parking outside the shops along The Broadway, New Haw.

Original plans, displayed by county councillor division and the Statement of Reasons explaining each proposal are also still available to view and read on the Runnymede parking review 2023 to 2024 web page.

This review is currently being installed on the streets of Runnymede.

Please note: Egham town centre plans and explanation are included in the Englefield Green County Council division.

Parking review 2022 to 2023

The installation of the yellow lines for this review is almost finished. The signs associated with this review have been installed.

Site visits for this review were carried out in July and continued through August 2022. Proposals were agreed with county councillors and they have now been advertised.

The consultation closed on 24 February 2023. You can still view the original drawings and reasons for proposing changes on the Runnymede parking review 2022 to 2023 web page.

All the feedback received was complied into a report and distributed to county councillors and the Traffic Enforcement and Parking Team Manager. Having read the report, jointly final decisions were made on how to proceed at each location.

The final decisions report has been published and can be read on the Runnymede parking review 2022 to 2023 web page.

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