Runnymede parking review 2025

There are a number of stages involved in the review, and these are explained below.

The current stage is: Authorisation

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Beginning in December 2024 and continuing through January 2025, we have been assessing on-street parking issues across the borough once again. These were issues of concern that had been brought to our attention largely by members of the public, the police, councillors and highway officers since the previous review took place. We visited, assessed, and prioritised the requests for new or amendments to existing parking controls in different locations across the borough. We then prepared a set of drawings and a statement of reasons of our findings and recommendations.


The drawings and statement of reasons have now be presented to the Runnymede county councillors. The councillors will read the statement of reasons, look through the drawings and discuss the proposals with officers. When satisfied, they will give their agreement for them to be advertised by public notice and the documents will be added to this webpage.

Advertisement and objections

All the councillor approved proposals will then be advertised by public notice for 28 days.

When this process begins, public notices will be put up in every location where changes to on-street parking are proposed. The notices will display information on where the drawings can be seen, how you can submit your views and when the end date is. Those properties fronting the section of street where changes are proposed will be written to individually.

A legal notice will be published in a local newspaper.

You will also be able to submit your views via a link to a feedback form that will appear on this page at the time.

Once the 28 day advertising period has ended, all the feedback received will be compiled into a report.

Please note that any Egham town centre proposals are displayed in the Englefield Green division.


The report divided by county councillor division and proposal will have an initial recommendation on how to proceed, taking any feedback received into account. It will then be distributed to the Runnymede county councillors and the Traffic Enforcement and Parking Team manager to read. Councillors and/ or The Traffic Enforcement and Parking Team Manager after talking with officers may change an initial recommendation. Once all recommendations have been agreed, the final decisions is report written.

The Decisions report is published on this page. Everybody who participated during the advertising stage of the process will be notified when the report is available to read. For those who wrote in, a copy of the report is posted out to them.


Lining and signing orders to install the agreed changes on the streets of Runnymede will then be raised with our contractors.

A final traffic regulation order (TRO), will be written and published. This will make all the agreed changes to parking restrictions enforceable by patrolling officers.

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