Tandridge parking review 2021 to 2022

There are a number of stages involved in the review, which are shown below.

The current stage is: Implementation

Page contents


During August and September 2021, we carried out assessments and site visits for all the parking problems and requests for changes to parking restrictions, which had been brought to our attention since the previous parking review took place. Most of these were reported by members of the public, councillors and highway officers, and some came from the emergency services and bus operators. Following the assessments and site visits, we prioritised the requests and created a report with our recommendations for which new parking restrictions should be introduced.

Committee authorisation

We presented the report to Surrey County Council's Local Committee for Tandridge at its meeting on 3 December 2021 and you can see a copy of it on the Tandridge Local Committee meeting page on our website. It is item 9 on the agenda. The committee approved the recommendations and agreed with moving on to advertising our intention to introduce the new restrictions.

Advertisement and objections

By way of a notice in the Surrey Mirror on 13 January, we formally advertised our intention to introduce the proposed new restrictions approved by the local committee. We also put up notices in the streets concerned and, in some cases, we delivered postcards to nearby addresses. Following this was a 28 day period during which people could comment on or raise objections to any of the proposals, which ended on 10 February.

Towards the bottom of this page you can still see a document called 'Tandridge parking review 2021-22 - description of proposals', which provides details of the proposed new parking restrictions and controls and why we wanted to introduce them. In the document, the proposals are divided up by electoral division, and then by town. There are also sets of numbered drawings, which cross-reference with the descriptions.


The parking team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of the local committee and the county councillors for the Tandridge area, has now considered all the comments and objections that we received and has made the final decisions about which proposals will still be implemented, with or without any changes. At the very bottom of the page there is a decisions report in which we have summarised the objections and comments and detailed the final decisions for each location, as well as a bit of analysis explaining the reasons for the decisions.


Now the final decisions have been made, we have marked out the extents of the lining on street and placed an order with our contractor to install the appropriate markings. The majority of the lining work has been completed with a handful of locations pending which we are trying to get finished. The new traffic orders have been made, so the new restrictions come into effect once the relevant lines and signs are in place.

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