Skip licensing

Information for residents about skip licensing

When is a skip licence required?

A skip licence is required whenever a skip is placed on any part of the highway (pavement, verge or the side of the road).

Where practicable, skips should be placed within property boundaries. If you would like to hire a skip to be placed on private land, such as your front garden, no licence is required and you may approach any skip company of your choice.

Surrey County Council has agreements with Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (for Epsom Market Place only) and Woking Borough Council (for Woking town centre only) for building materials licences to be issued by them. Please contact the relevant Borough Council if you wish to make an application in either of these specific areas.

How do you get a skip licence?

Only skip companies registered with Surrey County Council can apply for a licence.

Please contact a registered skip company of your choice, who can apply for the necessary licence. You can view a list of registered skip companies on our skip register.

What if you have any queries or concerns?

If you have any queries or concerns or require further information, please contact us online or by telephone.

Information for skip companies about skip licensing

How do you become a registered skip company?

Please see our skip company registration page for full details including terms and conditions, and required documentation for your application.

There is a one-off cost of £100 to register with Surrey County Council.

How do you apply for a skip licence?

Please see our page on how registered skip companies can apply for a skip licence for full details on how to apply, including links to the forms, terms and conditions and the costs.

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