A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) must be made to allow temporary road closures and other temporary road restrictions to take place. Under the current regulations, two notices must be published in the press, one stating the intention to make the TTRO and another stating that the TTRO has been made. Legal Notices are also placed on site advertising the intention to make the TTRO (often seen attached on a lamp or sign post).
A TTRO may also be required for other temporary changes such as instigating or suspending a one-way system, temporary speed reductions, waiting restrictions and banned turns.
Temporary parking bay suspensions are administered by our contractor NSL, if suspensions are required please see our information on Parking Suspensions and Waivers.
Only applications in relation to works on the public highway are approved.
We inform various groups and organisations, such as Surrey Police, the emergency services and local councillors as soon as details of the road closure are known. It is the applicant's responsibility, if the closure is agreed, to identify, inform and/or consult with all those affected.
Page Contents
- Apply for a TTRO
- How much does the TTRO cost?
- What documentation and information is required?
- What are your responsibilities?
- How long can a TTRO be made for?
- What if I have any queries, concerns or complaints?
Apply for a TTRO
Temporary Traffic Restriction Order or TTRO form is used to apply for temporary and emergency road closure, footway closure, townpath closure, or Traffic Regulation Order. To apply for a TTRO please complete the online application form.
Once completed, this form will be sent to us at roadclosures@surreycc.gov.uk. We cannot accept postal applications.
Please send us the application at least 12 weeks in advance of the date required, to allow time for the TTRO to be advertised, checked and processed. We cannot process applications that are submitted with less than 12 weeks' notice.
How much does the TTRO cost?
There is an administration charge of £1138 to cover the preparation of the TTRO and press adverts for a temporary road closure or road restriction.
The costs of the two compulsory press adverts must also be met by the applicant. Total costs are approximately £2,500, however advertising costs vary according to the papers in which the adverts are published, therefore it is not possible to give an exact cost before you apply.
Please include a purchase order reference, or written agreement, on the application so that an invoice can be raised at the end of the process.
The administration charge for an emergency Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is £1015
What documentation and information is required?
The completed application form must include:
- a detailed map of the proposed diversion route and a site plan, include all sign designs with the exact wording and locations at which they will be placed
- a written description of the diversion route
- details of the separate diversion route for HGVs, if there is one
- a copy of the Public Liability Insurance which indemnifies the County Council for a minimum of £10 million in respect of one accident or claim
- if works are to take place at night, approval from the local borough or district Environmental Health department is required.
If adding screenshots or photographs of required documentation please ensure that every page is included and all information is visible.
What are the applicant's responsibilities?
For all closures, it will be your responsibility to provide appropriate signs that comply with Department of Transport (DfT) regulations for the closure and the alternative route.
You must use DfT approved (New Roads and Street Works Act, Chapter 8) personnel or companies for this; Surrey County Council do not supply traffic management or traffic management plans and the cost of the signage is not included in the cost of the TTRO.
We do not hold a list of approved traffic management companies and unfortunately cannot recommend a traffic management company for works.
Advanced warning signage must be placed on site two weeks ahead of the TTRO. The signs must comply with DfT regulations and include the following;
- who is doing the works
- why the works are being undertaken,
- start date
- duration of works
- a contact number for the work
You will also need to consider whether any bus services will be affected by the closure. If any bus stops need to be suspended, please see our information on temporary bus stop suspensions.
It is the applicant's responsibility to inform all stakeholders who are likely to be affected by the road closure or road restriction. This could include residents, parish councils, schools, businesses and churches.
Every application is different, so all stakeholders in the area affected by the road closure will have to be carefully considered, then informed and/or consulted. This allows stakeholders to make alternative arrangements during the closure period.
How long can a TTRO be made for?
There is a maximum period of 18 months during which a road can be closed. A public right of way, public footpath, cycle track or byways open to all traffic (BOAT) may be closed up to a maximum of six months. This may be extended on application to the Secretary of State but would require exceptional reasons.
There must be a gap of three months between closures on the same length of road.
What if I have any queries, concerns or complaints?
If you have queries, concerns or complaints about your application or the location or safety of materials on the public highway, you can contact us online or by telephone.