Temporary traffic signals licence

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How do I apply for a licence?

If you already have a user name and password you can apply for a licence via the Argonaut website.

Apply via the Argonaut website

If you do not have a user name or password, or have forgotten your login details, please send an email with your request to: streetworks@surreycc.gov.uk. The email will need to contain:

  • your company name and address
  • your contact details including name, email address and telephone number
  • a copy of your public liability insurance document as an attachment (a minimum of £10 million insurance is required)

When should I apply for a licence?

You must apply at least one week in advance. This is to ensure that the proposed works will not be in conflict with any others, and so that emergency services can be kept informed.

If you are working on the public highway and applying for a temporary traffic signals licence you may also require a road opening licence.

What are the terms and conditions?

If approved, the signals must operate in vehicle actuated mode and the signal heads must be positioned at locations visible to approaching traffic.

All temporary signing must be in accordance with chapter eight of the Traffic Signs Manual and information boards must be provided on site with telephone numbers for any enquiries.

What is the cost of the licence?

There is no charge for the licence to erect temporary traffic signals on the public highway.

However, if the switching off and back on permanent signals of any type is required, charges do apply.

Basic table of charges from 1 April 2025

Costs are per visit and apply to either a "switch off" or "switch on" activity

Charge CategoryDetailsCharge
Normal Working Hours with over 24 hour advanced notice Request submitted with more than 24 hours notice for switch off/on in normal working hours 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday £ 77.90
Normal Working Hours with less than 24 hour advanced notice Request submitted with less than 24 hours notice for switch off/on in normal working hours 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday £116.84
Out Of Hours over 24 hours advanced notice Request submitted with more than 24 hours notice for switch off/on outside normal working hours 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday, weekends and public holidays £101.26
Out Of Hours less than 24 hours advanced notice Request submitted with less than 24 hours notice for switch off/on outside normal working hours 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday, weekends and public holidays £151.89
On site waiting time - out of normal working hours (18:00 to 08:00 Monday to Friday, weekends and public holidays) A 30 minute window is allowed per visit, Should time be required over and above this 30 minutes it will be charged at a rate of £98.12 per hour. This is charged pro-rata, rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes. (for example, 45 minutes = £73.59) £101.26
On site waiting time - normal working hours (08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday) A 30 minute window is allowed per visit, Should time be required over and above this 30 minutes it will be charged at a rate of £75.48 per hour. This is charged pro-rata, rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes. (for example, 45 minutes = £56.61)

£ 77.90

Administration charge A charge of £102.50 is added to the overall cost of the switching activity to cover administration costs (for example, £75.48 + £75.48 = £150.96 + £102.50 = £253.46) £102.50
Alteration charge Once a request is submitted, if a change is required to either times or dates, a £56.50 administration charge will be made along with any adjustment should the charge category change. (The £56.50 charge applies to each adjustment made.) £56.50
Cancellation charge If you book a switch off/on activity and subsequently cancel you will still be charged the £102.50 administration fee and you will also be charged the adjustment charge of £56.50 £159

A Purchase Order number must be supplied at the time of request to enable us to invoice costs at the completion of works. (This must be on the Argonaut request form). Out of hours is defined as any time during a Saturday, Sunday or UK Public Holiday and outside of the normal working hours of 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

When calculating the final cost of your switching activity, remember to allow for the administration cost, any waiting times, amendment charges and all the attendances you have requested.

Please bear in mind that if you make any adjustments to your switch out request or if there has been waiting times etc., your Purchase Order amount may need amending prior to making the final invoice payment to us.

What documentation is required?

On the online application form available on the Argonaut website there is a section to include;

  • a method statement, explaining how the work will be carried out.
  • proof of £10 million public liability insurance, which is required when applying for a user name and password to access the online application form.

What if I have any queries, concerns or complaints?

If you have queries, concerns or complaints, you can contact us either online or by telephone.

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