Farnham town centre improvement works

The town centre is the historic heart of Farnham. It has a dynamic economy with high quality retail, food and drink venues, and a unique heritage with the castle, conservation area, deer park and craft town status.

However, its road layout is outdated and congested. The dominance of roads and vehicles negatively impacts the ability to travel easily, safely, and enjoyably around the town centre on foot and by bus or cycle, resulting in a less pleasant environment and a diminished sense of place.

Works in Farnham town centre are expected to start in late 2024. The works aim to:

  • improve the quality of public areas
  • reduce the dominance of motorised traffic, which contributes to poor air quality, noise pollution and congestion, by major changes to the town centre layout and better management of town centre car parking

You can see a map of the proposed changes: Farnham town centre improvements draft illustrative plan v7 (PDF).

There are also improvements to walking and cycling in Farnham and the town centre – see updates on our walking and cycling page. This includes an upgrade to Borelli Walk, which is due to begin in late 2024.

Consultation and approvals

There was a public consultation on two proposals to update the town centre road layout in summer 2022. This was discussed at the Farnham Board in December 2022 Farnham Board - visit the meeting page.

Updated options for the town centre were presented to the Farnham Board in March 2023. You can watch previous meetings on the Farnham Town Council YouTube page. There was also a consultation in late 2023 under the Waverley parking review.

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