Country Lanes in the Surrey Hills

The Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is one of 36 nationally protected landscapes in England, having equal landscape status and protection to a National Park. All public bodies have a 'statutory duty of regard' to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the Surrey Hills landscape.

A key landscape feature of the Surrey Hills is the network of winding, narrow, secluded lanes, often with high banks and hedgerows, connecting villages and hamlets. These lanes are often rich in history reflecting centuries of human use and still retain much of their traditional charm.

Please see the Surrey Hills AONB guidance page for further information about how we protect and enhance the Surrey Hills, and to download a copy of the Environmental Design Guidance.

The Environmental Design Guidance document sets out guidance for conserving and enhancing country lanes and villages in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) to help Surrey County Council, local planning authorities, transport planners, contractors, developers, parish council's and other parties. It sets out some principles and best practice that should be considered in managing country lanes and the design of development within the Surrey Hills.

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