Highways Information Team - enquiry charges

We are required to recover our costs for providing our services so there is often a charge payable for answering enquiries. All costs are applicable from 1 April 2024.

Enquiry charges in Guildford, Mole Valley, Reigate and Banstead, Tandridge and Waverley

One enquiry, including highway extent up to 50m £43
Each additional enquiry or 50m of highway extent (up to 500m) £14
Highway extent over 500m £1.10 for each additional 10m

Example: 1340 metres of highway extent information will be charged as follows:

  • First 50m - £43
  • Next 450m - £126 (450/50 x £14)
  • Remaining 840m - £92.40 (840/10 x £1.10)
  • Total = £261.40

Enquiry charges in Elmbridge, Epsom and Ewell, Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath and Woking

Our charges are different for these areas because we have digital highway extent information available.

One enquiry, including highway extent up to an A4 plan at 1:1250 scale £43
Each additional enquiry or plot size of highway extent £14
Plot size Cost by size
ISO plot size A4 £43
ISO plot size A3 £57
ISO plot size A2 £71
ISO plot size A1 £85
ISO plot size A0 £99

Copies of legal documents (including plans where applicable)

Electronic copy £43

Local Searches

(Enquiries 2, 3.1 to 3.6, 3.7e & g and 3.12 in relation to County Council functions)
Con29O (per enquiry)
(Enquiry 4 – Road proposals by private bodies, Enquiry 21 – Flood Defence and Land Drainage consents and Enquiry 22 – Common Land and Town or Village Green)

These charges are inclusive of VAT, which became payable on local search enquiries on 1 April 2024.

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