How to use the map to report a highway problem

Identifying the location of the issue

Please read the following information if you need help using the map.


  • To zoom in/out, tap the +/- buttons or use two finger gestures (stretch/pinch) on the map or double-tap to zoom in.
  • To pan the map, tap the pan buttons or press and hold your finger on the map then drag map to pan.
  • Tap the Aerial/Map button to switch between map and aerial photography.
  • Tap once on the map to mark the problem location. Change the problem location by tapping somewhere else on the map.
  • If necessary, select the appropriate road/asset (for exampe grit bin) from the results list then click Next to continue. You may need to swipe through the results list to see all the results (for example if more than 3 roads or assets are found where you tap).


  • To zoom in/out, click the +/- buttons or scroll the mouse wheel on the map (except Safari on Mac*) or double-click to zoom in.
    * On Safari on Mac, scrolling the mouse wheel may pan the map north/south instead.
  • To zoom in by drawing a box, hold down shift and drag a box with the mouse. To zoom out, hold down ctrl and shift then drag a box with the mouse.
  • To pan the map, click the pan buttons or click and drag map to pan.
  • Click the Aerial/Map button to switch between map and aerial photography.
  • Single click on the map to mark the problem location. Change the problem location by clicking somewhere else on the map.
  • If necessary, select the appropriate road/asset (for example grit bin) from the results list then click Next to continue. You may need to scroll through the results list to see all the results (for example if more than 3 roads or assets are found where you tap).

Keyboard (some mouse use still required)

    First ensure the focus is on the map (to do this, click on the map).
  • To zoom in/out, press the +/- keys on your keyboard.
  • To pan the map, use the arrow keys to move north, east, south or west. Use the Home, End, Page Up, Page Down keys to move north west, south west, north east and south east respectively.
  • TAB to the Aerial/Map button and press enter to switch between map and aerial photography.
  • You will need to single click on the map to mark the problem location. Change the problem location by clicking somewhere else on the map.
  • When the results table is displayed, tab to the relevant tick box and press space, then press tab to select the Next button, then press enter to continue.

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