Drainage works in Woldingham Road, Woldingham

Update 10 August - Completion delayed to 17 August

Due to the delays to this scheme, works are now scheduled to be completed by Tuesday 17 August. These delays have been caused by flooding in the works area as well as ongoing issues with utilities in the area. We would like to apologise for the inconvenience this delay may cause.

Works to be completed on the 17 August at 6pm.

Why are the works delayed?

We have had several unavoidable setbacks with our drainage works on Woldingham Road. We have encountered several utility issues which requires them to visit site and give us permissions to continue, this has caused unexpected delays.

We have also suffered with flooding at the beginning of the works.

We did as much investigative works as we could before we got to site (Ground Penetrating Radar, surveys etc), but we have had to design around unexpected onsite issues as we go.

We are repairing broken SCC drainage assets (caused by SGN cutting through our drainage pipes) and improving the drainage to better cope with future high groundwater and flooding events.

We are very aware of the road closure impact to the local community and we are working very hard to try and get these works finished as soon as possible. The works being undertaken at the moment still require a full road closure due to the requirement of safe working widths on the highway (as the road is quite narrow).

We are carrying out roadworks on Woldingham Road to address drainage issues and excess groundwater. It's essential this work is carried out before the winter. We apologise for any disruption this may cause, but we will have a signposted diversion for drivers who normally make use of that road.

The scheduled works will include:

  • Fixing the existing drainage assets
  • Installing additional and larger drainage assets in the low spots where water collects on the highway
  • Installing a new headwall into the ditch to enable the gullies to drain more efficiently
  • Redesigning the edge of the carriageway to drain excess water into the ditch and off of the highway.
  • Install dropped kerbs to allow cyclists to dismount and use the underpass more safely, avoiding the busy Wapses Lodge roundabout
  • Resurfacing

Works information

  • Start date: Monday 5 July
  • Finish date: Friday 17 August
  • Traffic management: 24 hour road closure. Once it becomes feasible, the team will switch to working under temporary traffic lights to allow traffic to use the road. We will update this website when details of this switch are available.

Frequently asked questions

Why can the works not be carried out with traffic lights instead of a road closure?

The road here is too narrow for us to safely carry out the works using traffic lights instead of a full road closure. Also the works involve digging a deep trench across both sides of the road.

Why is there a 24 hour road closure? Why can the road not be opened up after each day of work and at weekends?

The works here involve digging a deep trench across the road which will go across both sides. It is not possible to open the road each day. The trench is so wide and deep that allowing vehicles to cross it is not possible for safety reasons.

Why can we not do the work under 9AM to 3:30PM closure at the start of the work, so that the full 24 hour closure is in the school holidays?

The start of the works with the 24 hour closure has to be undertaken at the beginning of the scheme. This is due to a large trench that has to be dug across the entire road. The work is delicate and there are a lot of utility services in the road. We will be having SGN on site during this period to ensure the safety of workers and supply.

Have the emergency services been told?

Yes, we routinely inform all emergency services of all of our works

Why are the works being carried out now?

The works were moved from May 2021, with the understanding that the works would be carried out in July.

Can the works not be carried out in the school holidays?

There is resurfacing planned on a nearby road for the summer holidays and we would not have been able to carry out these works at the same time. These works are essential to stop flooding on the road.

Will the pavements be open?

Yes, pavements are open for pedestrians and cyclists. A safe route through roadworks will be available at all times.

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