Drawing & Illustration - All Abilities

Enrolment for autumn term opens from 10 July

Courses for September onwards will open for enrolment in July. Please sign up to our newsletter to be reminded.

  • 10 July: Enrolments open for arts and crafts only.
  • 11 July: Enrolments open for languages, dance, exercise and games, cookery and nutrition, counselling, psychology, history and culture, work skills and IT.
  • 17 July: Enrolments open for Passport to Wellbeing.

Course intent

Whether you are a beginner or already have some experience of drawing and illustration, you will learn the knowledge and skills needed to develop and expand your range of techniques and design skills, gaining a deeper understanding of the range of techniques and processes. Enjoy the well-being benefits gained through working in a friendly, creative learning environment

What will we cover?

On this popular, creative and inspiring course you will explore drawing & illustration techniques with tutor Sophie Artemis. Through weekly projects and assignments you will:

  • develop confidence in your observational drawing skills
  • learn about narrative and how to tell a story in your picture(s)
  • Use composition to create a stronger image
  • be introduced via tutor demonstrations, to a range of media including pencil, pen, wash, watercolour, soft pastels, coloured pencils.

Join me to look at work from other artists and designers with a critical eye. There will be meaningful one to one support during each 2 hour class and you can share your work after the classes using the supportive and friendly class what’s app group.

You will find you make the most progress if you attend every taught lesson and complete any self-directed study opportunities provided.

For courses of more than one session, you will find you make the most progress if you attend every taught lesson and complete any self-directed study opportunities provided.

Who is this course for? Is there anything I need to know before joining?

All Abilities- This course is suitable for beginners, improvers and advanced artists and for those who have done some drawing or painting before, but who need a refresher and inspiration and different techniques to get motivated again in an affirming and friendly class. This class is also suitable for people who want to meet new people and who want to explore different ways of expressing ideas visually and for anyone who needs to chill out doing something completely different from their everyday work.

As our courses are taught in English, please contact us if you have any concerns about your level of English.

What do I need to bring to the first class? Will there be any extra costs?

• Paper (preferably in a sketch book - A4 or larger)

  • drawing pencils (an H pencil, HB pencil and a B pencil….can be 4H or 2B…up to you)
  • sharpener
  • a rubber/eraser,
  • a pen to take notes and to draw with
  • Colour pencils if you have some (or even one)

After the first class you will be using coloured media that you already have such as

  • coloured pencils
  • watercolour paint (with brushes, watercolour paper etc)
  • acrylic paint
  • coloured ink
  • soft pastels
  • neo color crayons
  • drawing ink

If you are using loose sheets of paper, you will also need a small notebook or sketchbook to make notes in during class. The tutor will provide materials for you to try before you buy when introducing new media.

  • *Before buying any new materials, please, email sophie.artemis@surreycc.gov.uk for advice

    What can I do when I finish the course?

    In discussion with your tutor Sophie Artemis, you may like to progress onto further

Drawing & Illustration courses with her or explore one media in greater technical detail. Learners from this course have enjoyed taking other courses in printmaking, watercolour painting, mixed media and life drawing which have helped them develop further, others have joined creative writing classes to support their illustration. Sophie will be happy to guide you to another tutor that will suit your style of learning. You will also receive support in preparing your work for submission to other colleges, publishers or competitions if that is discussed as a goal at the start of the course.

Additional information

Each week we will do a new project or topic but sessions are designed to inspire you and to help you to meet your own goals so if you have a personal project that you would like to explore, let me know and we can design a pathway for you to do that.

The tutor, Sophie Artemis, is a book artist and painter with work in public and private collections, including the Tate Library and the V&A National Art Library in London. She is represented by the BookArt Bookshop in London and exhibits her work.

We welcome learners with additional needs and disabilities. When you enrol please let us know if you would like to discuss your extra support needs with a member of the Supported Learning Team who will then contact you as soon as possible. If you are enrolling within 10 days of the course start date, we may not be able to contact you before your first class. Surrey Adult Learning values and supports equality and diversity by promoting fairness and respect at all times.

How to enrol

You can't currently enrol online for this course, so please call 0300 200 1044 to express your interest or to make an enquiry for further information.

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  • Day: Thursday
  • Start date: 25 Apr 2024
  • Time: 9:30am to 11:30am
  • Cost: £169
  • Location: Guildford centre
  • Sessions: 10 sessions
  • Tutor: Sophie Artemis
  • Course code: QHDW4502GA
  • Places: Call 0300 200 1044

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