Drawing and Painting in the Castle Grounds (All Abilities) [SSK]

Enrolment for autumn term opens from 10 July

Courses for September onwards will open for enrolment in July. Please sign up to our newsletter to be reminded.

  • 10 July: Enrolments open for arts and crafts only.
  • 11 July: Enrolments open for languages, dance, exercise and games, cookery and nutrition, counselling, psychology, history and culture, work skills and IT.
  • 17 July: Enrolments open for Passport to Wellbeing.

Course intent

You will learn how to draw a landscape from life, choosing a pleasing composition and then choose from drawing or watercolour to complete your view of the Guildford Castle Grounds. Enjoy the well-being benefits gained through working in a friendly, creative learning environment.

What will we cover?

• Choosing your viewpoint

  • Drawing out your composition in proportion using a measuring technique
  • Selecting a range of pencils or pens to create tones and textures
  • If painting, watercolour techniques and how to plan your colour mixes
  • Adding finishing touches to complete your work
  • Using tools and equipment safely
  • Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values

There will be demonstrations, instruction, one-to-one tutorial guidance.

To ensure that learners make good progress with their personal learning goals, the tutor will work with the learner on their Individual Learning Plan.

Who is this course for? Is there anything I need to know before joining?

This course is not suitable for Absolute Beginners. Beginners need to have some previous knowledge of drawing (from a workshop or longer course for beginners) and if painting, you will have some previous knowledge of using watercolours. This course is also for those who feel confident drawing or painting and who are looking for inspiration and new techniques to continue their learning.

As our courses are taught in English, please contact us if you have any concerns about your level of English.

What do I need to bring to the first class? Will there be any extra costs?

• You may want to bring a lightweight folding chair (there are some benches in the grounds but a space is not guaranteed)

  • You can chose to bring a lightweight easel, or you may prefer to have a board on your lap or bring your whole pad of paper to rest on.
  • A viewfinder is useful, please see link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_Q7Wys75Mc
  • Wear clothing suitable for the weather – an extra layer if cool, or a sunhat if hot
  • Packed lunch and drink
  • Glasses if you wear them

If drawing:

  • A3 cartridge paper,
  • 2B, HB, 2H pencils and sharpener
  • eraser.
  • If you choose to use charcoal or pens, then please bring these.

If painting:

  • A3 watercolour paper,
  • 2B pencil,
  • putty rubber,
  • your usual watercolour paints
  • brushes
  • palette.
  • A container with clean water and a supply of more water to take with you to refresh
  • Paper towel, kitchen roll or similar.

    What can I do when I finish the course?

    Learners can progress onto other Arts & Crafts courses with SAL.

The tutor will be happy to assist learners wishing to build a portfolio of work for entry to Further Education or alternative courses of study with other providers.

Additional information

We welcome learners with additional needs and disabilities but please note that this workshop involves travel to and access around the Castle Grounds in Guildford. When you enrol, please let us know if you would like to discuss your extra support needs with a member of the Supported Learning Team who will then contact you as soon as possible. If you are enrolling within 10 days of the course start date, we may not be able to contact you before your first class. Surrey Adult Learning values and supports equality and diversity by promoting fairness and respect at all times.

How to enrol

Our courses are for adult learners aged 19 or over. If you are under 19, please call 0300 200 1044.

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  • Day: Friday
  • Start date: 19 Jul 2024
  • Time: 10am to 3:30pm
  • Cost: £56
  • Location: Guildford centre
  • Sessions: 1 sessions
  • Tutor: Helen Kelly
  • Course code: QHDW557NZA
  • Places: Places available

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