Apple Mac - Digital Skills & Confidence - Stage 1

Enrolment for autumn term opens from 10 July

Courses for September onwards will open for enrolment in July. Please sign up to our newsletter to be reminded.

  • 10 July: Enrolments open for arts and crafts only.
  • 11 July: Enrolments open for languages, dance, exercise and games, cookery and nutrition, counselling, psychology, history and culture, work skills and IT.
  • 17 July: Enrolments open for Passport to Wellbeing.

Course intent

This comprehensive course will equip beginners with essential skills to effectively use an Apple Mac computer. It aims to provide participants with a solid foundation in Mac navigation, customisation, and program management. By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and proficiency to confidently perform tasks such as sending emails, managing files, browsing the web, organising photos, and synchronising data across devices.

All content is aligned with the national standards for essential digital skills.

  • Using digital devices and handling information
  • Creating and editing
  • Communicating
  • Transacting
  • Being safe and responsible online
  • How to Apply

    There are three ways to apply on this course. You can:

    • complete the form on our website;
    • call us on 0300 200 1044, 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday; or
    • visit one of our centres.

    We'll evaluate your skills and provide a course offer, which you must accept to secure your place.

    What will we cover?

    Understand the fundamental features of the Mac operating system and feel confident navigating their way around the interface.

    • Learn to efficiently utilise the Dock and Launchpad for quick access to applications and files.
    • Customise their Mac's appearance through preferences settings to suit personal preferences.
    • Master the techniques of opening, closing, and switching between programs for enhanced productivity.
    • Gain proficiency in sending and receiving messages using the Mail application, including sending and saving attachments.
    • Utilise the Help and Spotlight Search functionalities to find information and locate files quickly.
    • Comprehend the importance of data backup and synchronisation, and effectively use Time Machine for data protection and syncing.
    • Explore the Contacts and Calendar apps to effectively organise personal and professional schedules.
    • Learn to efficiently organise and manage photos using the Photos app.
    • Utilise various features of the Safari app for seamless web browsing, including adding bookmarks and utilising tabbed browsing.
    • Master file retrieval, sharing, and organisation techniques using Finder.
    • Understand the benefits of iCloud Drive and iCloud Photo Library for cloud storage and file synchronisation.
    • Manage an Apple ID effectively and grasp the concept of data synchronisation across devices.

    For courses of more than one session, you will find you make the most progress if you attend every taught lesson and complete any self-directed study opportunities provided

    Who is this course for? Is there anything I need to know before joining?

    This course is designed for individuals who are new to Apple Mac computers or individuals transitioning from other operating systems. It is suitable for beginners or those with limited experience using Macs. No prior knowledge of Apple Macs is required.

    • Participants should have basic computer literacy skills and familiarity with general computer operations.

    As our courses are taught in English, please contact us if you have any concerns about your level of English.

    What do I need to bring to the first class? Will there be any extra costs?

    Please bring with you a notebook and pen

    What can I do when I finish the course?

    You may like to progress onto another Surrey Adult learning course, such as:

    • Apple Mac Digital Skills & Confidence - Stage 1
    • Our Adobe courses.

    Or your tutor can direct you to ‘Next steps’ section, on our web site, if you wish to do something else

    Additional information

    We welcome learners with additional needs and disabilities. When you enrol please let us know if you would like to discuss your extra support needs with a member of the Supported Learning Team who will then contact you as soon as possible. If you are enrolling within 10 days of the course start date, we may not be able to contact you before your first class. Surrey Adult Learning values and supports equality and diversity by promoting fairness and respect at all times

    How to enrol

    You can't currently enrol online for this course, so please call 0300 200 1044 to express your interest or to make an enquiry for further information.

    Find another course

    If this isn't what you're looking for, then we've got plenty more courses to offer!


  • Day: Wednesday
  • Start date: 24 Apr 2024
  • Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm
  • Cost: FREE
  • Location: Guildford centre
  • Sessions: 10 sessions
  • Tutor: To be confirmed
  • Course code: PHDW350LGA
  • Places: Call 0300 200 1044

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