Course fee information for adult learning

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Course fees shown on the website are the total cost of the course, which includes the tuiton fee, and where applicable the sundries fee.

The sundries fee covers, but is not limited to, purchase of specialist consumable materials and small tools for use in the course, servicing and maintenance costs of specialist equipment and additional costs involved with running the programme. Some courses may have an additional sundry charge applied, for example if the course involves use of a Model or if there are Technician costs.

Any extra costs on top of the course fee will be mentioned within the individual course descriptions on the website.

Overseas fees

Learners who are not UK nationals and have not lived in the UK for at least 3 years are not normally entitled to the standard course fee, and will be charged at a higher rate.

Learners are however eligible for state benefits discount where these are applicable and some exceptions do apply.

Viability of courses

Course viability is five active enrolments at the time the viability decision is made.

This is typically two working days prior to the start date of the course and five working days prior to the start date for courses that require ingredients or session specific materials to be purchased by learners.

Refund requests

If you need to withdraw from a course before it begins, we will process refund requests as follows:

  • If the request is made more than eight weeks before the course starts, a full refund will be returned.
  • If the request is made less than eight weeks and more than two weeks before the course starts, a full refund less a £15 admin fee will be returned.
  • No refunds will be made if you withdraw from a course less than two weeks before the start.

Once a course has begun, we can only consider refund requests in exceptional personal or family circumstances and in writing. However, holidays, loss of interest, new time commitments and similar domestic changes do not qualify. A substitute learner cannot take the place of an existing learner once a course has begun.

If you fail to attend your course for more than four consecutive sessions, Surrey County Council reserves the right to withdraw you without a refund and offer the place to someone on the waiting list.

Cancelled courses

The length of the course quoted is based on a minimum number of learners enrolled and financial viability of the course. If this is not achieved, it may be necessary to cancel the course before the first class, and provide learners with a full refund.

In the event of severe weather, any impact on our classes will be updated on our website and social media channels, and we will aim to contact those learners affected.

Cancelled sessions

If we have to cancel or postpone a class for any reason outside of our control, for example if a tutor is unwell, we will try to offer an additional class at another time. If the majority of learners in the class can make the alternative date, no refund will be offered to learners who are unable to attend. If no alternative date can be offered a refund will be given for the missed session. If a course is cancelled part way through, a pro-rata refund will be provided for the cancelled classes.


Surrey County Council reserves the right to change tutors, reschedule, combine or cancel courses, and relocate to a different centre or move to or from face-to-face and online delivery, where appropriate and if necessary.

For further information and a full list of our disclaimers please contact us.

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