Early Years and Education System (EYES) - Funding

Surrey Early Years teams have been preparing for the move to a new funding portal - Early Years and Education System (EYES) to claim funded entitlements. This change is to align all early years and education teams in Surrey, giving a single view of a child and better supporting joint working.

The 'Go Live' date for the move to EYES has now been confirmed as 1 September 2024. Access to the system will be available from 19 August 2024 to allow for familiarisation and submission of estimate payment requests.

The link to the new portal will be shared ahead of 19 August in an ebulletin newsflash and a re-direction message will appear in our current portal.

Page contents

Key dates

18 August 2024 – final date for parents to submit FEET applications via the existing parent portal.

19 August 2024 – launch of new parent portal for FEET applications. Please note the link will be updated on our Family Information Service web page, parents should continue to visit Funded early education for two year olds (FEET) to make an application.

19 August 2024 – all providers will have access to the new provider portal to submit their estimate payments. Please remember that there will be no automatic estimate payment and all requests must be submitted electronically. You can start to prepare now by gathering information on children due to attend your setting in September and the number of hours they will be attending. You can check their eligibility in the current portal system and use this form to gather code details if it helps Working Parents Entitlement Eligibility consent form - Childcare (PDF).

Please log in to the system as soon as possible after 19 August and contact fundedearlyeducation@surreycc.gov.uk if you are experiencing any access issues.

31 August 2024 – closing date for estimate requests and final date for summer 2024 claims to be added in the existing Early Years FEE Portal before the system becomes 'read only'.

1 September 2024 – new system 'Go Live' date, please log in as soon as possible after this date to add children to your Live Register for Autumn 2024 and prepare to submit your headcount.

31 October 2024 – final date for any 'exceptional circumstances' late summer 2024 claims to be added to the previous system before the system is closed. Please note these claims can only be added by emailing the Funded Early Education team.


Please note that from Autumn 2024 Surrey County Council will no longer make automatic estimate payments for universal 3 to 4-year-old children to group settings.

All providers will be able to electronically submit a request for an estimate payment each period within the new EYES Provider Portal.

This will make estimate payments more accurate as they will be based on the numbers of children you will be expecting to attend your setting in the next period.

Estimates will open on 19 August 2024

Custom dates form

From September 2024 the Early Years and Education System (EYES) will be pre-populated with the funded term dates for you and it will therefore no longer be a requirement for you to add your own open dates.

If you operate for less than the maximum funded days per term, open for less than 38 weeks per year, or operate a 2 week October half term you should let us know by completing a Custom dates form Custom Dates form 2024 to 2025 (PDF).

Inset days should be taken outside of funded term dates and are not funded.

Training and Guidance

E-learning is now available via Olive to support you with the transition to the new system, you can access this here by searching for this: The Establishment Portal – Getting Started Success Factors Learning

You can return to modules as and when you are ready to complete them.

Help and guidance on using Olive can be found on the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership website: Olive guidance

We are also running further dedicated virtual support sessions covering the following topics:

  • Estimate submissions
  • Live Register
  • Headcount submissions

These are taking place during August and September and can now be booked on here Surrey Early Years Support Services.

Please find a demonstration video for information.

Please see a video demonstration of how to submit an estimate

Register for Access

All providers, schools admitting 2 year olds, and childminders must please complete the Online e-form which is available here: Register for Access by 31 July 2024.

This form will confirm who will need access to the new portal at your setting, so that an account can be set up for you. Any providers who have not completed their form by 31 July may experience a delay in being given access to the system and submitting their estimate claim.

You should also use this form to indicate which funded entitlements you intend to offer from September 2024. Please note that if you intend to admit 2 or 3 year olds from the date of their birthday, rather than the term after, you will need to register for the age group below e.g. to take eligible working parent entitlement funded children from their 2nd birthday you will need to register to provide funding for under 2s.

Your questions answered

This information available soon.

Funding portal user guides

Guides will be available soon.

Sign up to the Childcare and Early Education E-bulletin

This is where all key information, dates, and training will be published. You can sign up here E-bulletin updates for early education and childcare professionals.

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