Multiply - Free numeracy courses in Surrey for adults

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Flexible and free courses available in Surrey

Skills for Life, Multiply logoGet help figuring things out with Multiply. There's a huge range of courses available – all are free and flexible - running from summer 2024 through to March 2025 for Surrey residents.

If you want to learn without sitting in a classroom that's possible.

Some courses are outdoors, some are online, group-based or one-to-one.

All of them are designed to help people like you build or improve your number and maths skills while fitting around your work and home life.

Multiply can help you to:

  • Manage your household bills
  • Help your children with homework
  • Make sense of your payslips or benefits
  • Compare deals so you get the best one
  • Get a better-paid job

Multiply courses are free and are available to you, if you're aged 19 plus and do not already have a GCSE at grade C (or equivalent) in maths.

You can register your interest using our quick and easy online form.

Multiply - free courses delivered by Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership

Making it add up - take our quiz

We use numbers every day – when we're out with friends and splitting the bill, in the supermarket figuring out the best deals, checking the league position of our team, and of course, when we're at work.

Numbers don't have to be difficult or intimidating, and improving your maths skills so you can be more confident with them just makes sense.

Take this quick quiz to find out which areas of numeracy you might be able to improve with Multiply. (There's no pass or fail, and you can use a calculator if you like.)

Can your organisation help boost numeracy in Surrey?

We are looking for organisations that would like to bid for grant funding to develop and deliver creative and innovative adult numeracy courses in Surrey.

Courses can be in-person or online, and are not confined to the classroom in order to encourage learners to take part.

The courses should be aimed at helping our residents improve their ability to understand and use maths in their daily lives, as well as for those wishing to gain a qualification, seeking employment or career progression.

To find out more about current funding opportunities please email

Could your business benefit through providing Multiply courses for your staff?

Surrey Chambers of Commerce can help. There's no cost to your business, and potentially a lot of benefits.

Multiply courses can:

  • Reduce costs and boost productivity by reducing numeracy-related mistakes at work
  • Increase profits
  • Improve staff motivation and retention
  • Boost employee confidence with numeracy skills and encourage them to undertake future training that may benefit the business

To find out more about Multiply training for your staff, call 01483 735548 or visit the Surrey Chambers website.

Register your interest in Multiply

Free Multiply courses are now available across Surrey for adults aged 19+ who do not already have a GCSE grade C (or equivalent) in Maths.

You can register your interest using our quick and easy online form.

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