Apply for an in year school place

Important information - Waiting lists for 2024 to 2025

If you want your child's name to remain on a waiting list in September 2024, for a school we (Surrey County Council) manage, you must complete the Continuing Interest form. This is available in Step 8 below. You must do this no later than 31 August 2024. If you have not completed a Continuing Interest form by 31 August, you will be required to submit a completely new in-year application.

What are in-year admissions?

You can make an in-year application if you child needs to join a school outside of the normal admissions round, once the school year has started - for example, if you move house and your child can no longer attend their current school.

If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and you want them to change school, please don't follow this process as you must liaise with your child's case officer. Please also see Surrey's information and services for children with additional needs and disabilities.

Summary of the application process

There are eight steps in the application process.

  • Step 1: Check if you can apply for in-year admission
    You check if you need to apply for in-year admission or if you should apply during the normal admissions round.
  • Step 2: What you need to know before applying
    You read information about in-year applications.
  • Step 3: Choose the schools to apply for
    You research and choose the schools that you want to apply for. You should check if your child will be eligible for travel assistance to your chosen schools. If your child is not eligible for travel assistance it will be your responsibility as a parent to get your child to and from school.
  • Step 4: Complete the application form
    You complete and return the application form together with any supporting documents required.
  • Step 5: Complete any supplementary forms
    You complete any supplementary forms in addition to the application. Check our directory of Surrey schools to find out if a school asks for a supplementary form and download the form. Where a supplementary form is needed, you must complete and return this to the address stated on the form.
  • Step 6: Outcome of your application
    Your application is processed and you will be contacted with the outcome.
  • Step 7: Accept or decline a place
    You decide whether to accept any place offered.
  • Step 8: Adding or keeping your child on a waiting list
    If you are not offered a place at your preferred school, you can add your child to a waiting list for a place.

Continue to step 1: Check if you can apply for in-year admission

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