
The introduction of the academies act in May 2010 has led to a number of schools in Surrey converting to academy status. When a school converts, there are a number of changes to their relationship with the local authority.

All maintained schools that inform the county council conversion is being considered will receive the necessary and relevant information and documentation. An informed decision about conversion can be made and should the school decide to proceed the process can then be completed. Further information regarding the conversion process can be accessed on the website.

The council is working closely with maintained schools, academies and free schools to promote the common identity of 'the Surrey family of schools' and through this to maintain an effective relationship with all state funded schools. The council is committed to working in partnership with all schools, regardless of status, in order to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people in the county.

Following conversion, academies can choose where they procure services from. The council provides a full range of services that academies and free schools can purchase.

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