Supporting your child's education - information for parents and carers

Applying for a school place

Our school admissions section has advice on finding a school, how to apply, what to do if you apply late, in-year transfers and appealing decisions about school places.

School transport

Visit our school transport page for details of school transport, the behaviour expected from children travelling on school transport, how to obtain replacement tickets and where to check for disruption in bad weather or if there has been an accident.

Your child at school

We have information on various aspects of school life including help you can give your child, attendance, permanent exclusion and suspension, your child's records and bullying.

Complaints about schools and academies in Surrey

The majority of concerns can be resolved informally by discussing the matter with the relevant member of school/academy staff.

If you are not satisfied with the response you can ask the school/academy for a copy of their complaints policy, which will outline how to make a complaint and the steps that they will take to respond and resolve the issue.

School meals

For sample menus, how to pay online for school meals and advice on free school meals, visit our school meals page.

Paying for school uniforms

Information on ways to help pay for children's school uniforms and details of services who can provide financial assistance with meeting these costs.

Benefits and financial assistance for families

If you're responsible for a child there is a range of financial assistance and benefits available depending on your family's circumstance.

Children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)

We provide support for children of all ages who have special educational needs or disabilities.

For 11 to 18 year olds with complex behavioural, mental health, social and emotional needs, the HOPE service can provide specialist support to help young people with their learning and education, amongst other things.

Understanding and dealing with issues relating to parental responsibility

The Department for Education has produced a guide on parental responsibility. Although the document is for schools and local authorities, it contains lots of useful information for you as a parent.

Home school link workers

You can ask for help from a home school link worker (HSLW) found in most schools, if you are experiencing pressure or stress as a result of:

  • bereavement,
  • divorce,
  • debt,
  • domestic abuse,
  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • change of school or school attendance

HSLWs can provide support and information about extra assistance available to you.

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