Contact us about school transport

Before contacting us, please review our web pages as we have published useful guides and answers to some frequently asked questions. You can use the links below to go to the appropriate section:

Contact us online

If you have a question that can not be answered using the information on our web pages, please use our online form below. They are the quickest way to contact us. They ensure that we gather all the information we need to help you and when submitted are sent straight to the appropriate team.

Online enquiry form

Transport providers

If you are a transport provider and wish to speak with the Surrey School Travel and Assessment Team regarding a specific issue, please use our operator contact form below.

Transport operators form

Contact by phone

Contact Centre - 0300 200 1004

Our Contact Centre are able to answer many queries at the first point of contact. If they are unable to help, they will direct you on the next steps. Lines are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Please avoid making regular contact chasing for the outcome of your application or enquiring about travel arrangements until the timescales stated for when you will hear have elapsed.

Call charges

Calls to 03 numbers from any network will cost no more than those to 01 and 02 numbers and count as part of any call package. The cost of calls per minute depends on the network, please check with your provider. Please note: calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

We work with the following key partners who represent families, children and young people in Surrey:

Family Voice

We provide independent guidance to parent carers of children and young people with additional needs aged 0 to 25 in Surrey, shining a light on the challenges that SEND families regularly face.

SEND Advice Surrey

SEND Advice Surrey is Surrey's Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities information, advice and support (SENDIAS) service.

We provide information, advice and support to parents, carers and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years.


We are a network of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities living in Surrey. Together we share our experiences and give feedback to bring about change to the services we use.

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