New website requests

Please note: Setting up a new website requires the involvement and approval of Web and Digital Services.

When to request one

A new website may be suitable if the content you wish to put online fits our criteria:

  1. It isn't core or statutory to Surrey County Council (SCC)
  2. It doesn't fit naturally on the SCC website or an existing website
  3. It is tailored to Surrey residents and cannot be found elsewhere

If your content doesn't fit all of these, a new website may still be suitable if there is a valid legal or strategic requirement for it to be separate from the SCC website.

Existing websites that fit these criteria include our flagship websites:


If your content doesn't fit the criteria, there are alternatives – often quicker and more efficient:

  • Surrey County Council landing pages: The SCC website gives users clear, practical, official information about council services. And content published here benefits from high rankings in Google. Every service has a landing page, which is usually the most suitable place for new content.
  • Social media: Sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are where many people get their news, so using them is a great way to reach your audience.
  • Existing Surrey websites: You could link up with an existing Surrey website and get it to host your content.

To find out more, talk to web editors in your service. If you're not sure who to talk to, contact

Requesting a new website

1. Read the latest website policy

This will tell you:

  • What's expected of you, the website owner
  • What we, Web and Digital Services, will do to help your website succeed
  • Your responsibilities for maintaining your website
  • Your responsibilities for measuring the success of your website
  • Who to contact if you need help, and how to make a project request
  • Read the website policy (PDF)

2. Complete a website request form

This should be completed as comprehensively as possible, then returned to

3. Receive outcome from Web and Digital Services

We will evaluate your request thoroughly against our criteria, and within two weeks confirm the outcome to you.

If we decide that a new website is the right option for you, we will arrange a meeting to discuss initial steps. If we feel your request does not warrant the creation of a new website, we will recommend alternative, appropriate methods of delivering your online content.

How we evaluate website requests

1. User need

  • Is there evidence of user need or that the audience will be receptive?
  • Is there user research pointing to the likely success of this website?
  • Is the user journey clear and coherent?

2. Duration and size

  • What is the size of the website?
  • Is the projected spend on the website justified?
  • Is there evidence of a clear strategy, measurement of objectives, and audience insight?

3. Surrey County Council

  • Should the content be on the SCC website?
  • Would it be better just to link to existing Surrey content?
  • Does it duplicate information already on the SCC website?

4. Alternatives

  • Can Web and Digital Services deliver the requested functionality?
  • Would the content be better placed on a partner site?
  • Can the desired outcomes be achieved using existing social media?

Files available to download

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